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Posts posted by Moderator_03

  1. Quote

    Construction workers will boycott dialogue “farce”


    Posted 14/07/2022

    Saúl Méndez, secretary of the Single Union of Construction Workers (Suntracs), at noon Thursday that they will not attend the dialogue called by the government, this afternoon, at 3:00 pm, in the City of Knowledge. His union considers that this call is a “farce”, that “nobody believes the government” and that they should only dialogue with the “legitimate and organized” groups that are protesting”.


  2. Quote

    Deepening crisis as protests continue for eleventh day


    Nurses join the protests.

    Posted 14/07/2022

    Protests and road closures continued across Panama on Thursday marking the 11th consecutive day as more and more citizen groups express their discontent with the little action of the government in the face of the increase in the cost of fuel prices, food of the basic basket, waste of State resources, the increase in the state payroll and corruption.

    The Pan-American highway was closed at the Capira and Punta Chame, at various points in the province of Veraguas, in the province of Colón in El Giral and in Alto de Los Lagos-Calle 13.

    In the capital the  Ricardo J. Alfaro road, on the Pan-American highway in Pacora, was closed while in the province of Chiriquí the protesters allowed the movement of vehicles on the Inter-American road, in the East of the province, after fulfilling 24 hours since the last opening, but they announced that they will close it again indefinitely.

    In Plaza 5 de Mayo, which has been the epicenter of demonstrations, the entire perimeter of the National Assembly was cordoned off and guarded by units of the National Police.

    Carriers in the province of Chiriquí remain on indefinite strike, which began at dawn.




    Protest leaders reject City of Knowledge conflicting talks


    Posted 14/07/2022

    The National Alliance for the Rights of Peoples (Anadepo), confirmed that the dialogue table with the Government resumed on Thursday at the Juan Demóstenes Arosemena Normal School of Santiago and that they do not recognize the recent table opened by the Executive in the City of Knowledge. "We do not recognize the table that was installed in the City of Knowledge, the legitimate table is the one that is installed here in Santiago de Veraguas," he said, confirming that it remains in permanent session.

    In a letter signed by Governor Manuel Castillo, he confirmed Anadepo's invitation to the table in Veraguas. The Ombudsman's Office confirmed that a delegation from the entity, headed by defender Eduardo Leblanc, left for the city of Santiago to mediate the dialogue table at the Juan Demóstenes Arosemena Normal School in Santiago.

    Failed meeting
    On July 11, the Anadepo and other organizations about met at the school. The table was made up of representatives of Commerce and Industries, Economy, Government and Agricultural Development, the Ombudsman's Office, as well as representatives of the Free Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (Acodeco), the Traffic and Land Transportation Authority, and Energy, among other entities linked to the claims of freezing the price of fuel and the basic basket. AEVE and Anadepo left the table and declared an indefinite strike after failing to reach an agreement. The teachers pointed out at the time that there were no direct answers to their requests, and claimed that the government "did not come" with proposals.


  4. Quote

    All private vehicles will benefit from fuel subsidy


    Posted 14/07/2022

    All owners of private vehicles, regardless of the brand, cost, or year of the car, will benefit from the fuel subsidy, Luis Oliva, administrator of the Authority for Government Innovation, told Telemetro Reporta on Thursday.

    Oliva said that the only requirement that will be requested from owners of private cars is that they have their vehicle registration up to date.

    To access the benefit, the owner of the vehicle must enter the platform combustible.panamasolidario.gob.pa to validate the following data: license plate number, identification number, and year of the vehicle.

    The platform will be available from this Thursday, July 14 at 6:00 am, but the benefit will be valid from 12:01 am on Friday, July 15.

    " It is not a record to be able to access this subsidy, it is simply an activation to carry out controls and make payments to the oil companies," Oliva said.

    " There is no limit to the number of times that they will be able to use it, nor is there a limit at the

    Through the resolution, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) is authorized to carry out the procedures and budgetary actions that are necessary to temporarily stabilize the price per gallon at B/.3.95 or its equivalent of $1.043 per liter of 95 and 91 octane gasoline, and low sulfur diesel.

    The announcement of the fuel subsidy for private vehicles took place in the midst of an indefinite strike and demonstrations at the national level, for 10 days, by teachers and various sectors to demand concrete answers from the National Government related to the cost of fuel and the basic food basket.


  5. Quote

    Civil crisis postpones Lottery


    Posted 13/07/2022

    The National Charity Lottery (LNB) reported at noon on Wednesday, July 13 that the draw scheduled for later the same day was changed to another day due to protests and road closures. The draw was rescheduled for 1:00 pm on Thursday, July 14. Due to the demonstrations, according to the LNB, the ticket sellers have not been able to reach the entity's agencies to carry out the process of withdrawing and returning the chances and tickets. The most affected sellers are in the provinces of Chiriquí, Veraguas, Los Santos and Herrera


  6. Quote

    Austerity plan follows 10 days of discontent


    Posted 13/07/2022

    After 10 days of,  strikes, multiple road closures, and widespread discontent over the high cost of living, corruption and waste in the various state bodies and corruption, the government of President Laurentino Cortizo announced a series of measures to halt the country’s descent into chaos.

    After a Cabinet Council session, in which the price caps for products in the basic basket were announced, among other measures including a 10-point "austerity plan"  which includes a 10% reduction in the state payroll (without specifying whether that percentage is in the number of officials or in salaries); a voluntary retirement program for public sector employees; the suspension of wage increases, except those established by law; the restriction of assignments of new cell phones; the prohibition of making trips to attend congresses, internships or invitations, except in the case of formal representation of the country or as a member of an international organization. The government promised that "only trips abroad for official missions will be authorized."

    The measures also contemplate that no minister, deputy minister, director, or deputy director of an Executive may travel abroad accompanied by protocol personnel or a press team unless the nature of the official mission requires it.

    In addition, no type of travel expenses will be reimbursed in addition to those previously established and authorized by the Ministry of the Presidency. Likewise, no official car will be able to load fuel on Fridays, and officials who are members of boards of directors will not charge per diem.

    Until last April, reports  La Prensa the government had over 249,000 civil servants, which represents an expense of $404.7 million per month. This is $15 million more than in 2021 when the government paid $389.6 million in salaries monthly.

    A massive march took place on Tuesday afternoon,  in the capital the culmination of 10 days of protests in which educators' unions, student groups, workers, and citizens took to the streets and avenues nationwide.

    In the capital, the scene was the Plaza 5 de Mayo, near the National Assembly, where the demonstrators chanted proclamations against the high cost of living and government waste in times of serious economic crisis.

    At 6:00 pm, a group knocked down several structures that protected the National Assembly. At that same time, a massive march took place in La Chorrera. Those present shouted phrases against the high cost of living, to the sound of murgas and drums. Some carried a stool, perhaps to remind Cortizo of the promise he made in July 2019, when he arrived at the presidential palace and made his promises to the people, sitting on a stool.


  7. Quote

    UN calls on government to guarantee security of demonstrators


    Posted 13/07/2022

    The United Nations Organization in Panama called on the National Government to continue to guarantee the security and conditions for the exercise of human rights of the general population, including those who demonstrate.

    Meanwhile, it urged civil society organizations, associations, unions, students, and other social actors, to find consensus through actions that allow the joint identification of effective solutions that contribute to restoring calm in the face of protests, strikes, and closures occurring throughout the country.

    The organization recalled that people have the right to demonstrate peacefully, express their opinion and participate in public affairs that concern them, in accordance with internal and international regulations.

    It also acknowledged that the closures of the main roads that connect the country is affecting sectors of the population, and urges that the roads be kept open.


  8. Quote

    COVID:  Fast-spreading BA.5 virus hits 22 countries in the Americas


    Posted 13/07/2022

    The BA.5 subvariant of Ómicron, which appears to spread faster than others, has been detected in at least 22 countries and territories in the Americas and is likely to become predominant, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) warned on Wednesday.

    Last week,  1,562. 967 infections and 4,789 deaths were registered, a decrease of 0.9% in cases and 3.5% in deaths compared to the previous seven days, detailed  PAHO director, Carissa Etienne, in a virtual press conference.

    Cases soared in Central America (+54.9%) and increased 2% in South America, while they decreased 5.2% in the Caribbean and 4.5% in North America, it added.

    But "an increasing proportion of cases is being caused by the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 sublineages and this is generating new infections across the continent," she explained.

    The BA.5 subvariant has been detected in at least 22 countries and territories and is likely to become predominant in all subregions in the coming weeks, estimates PAHO.

    This virus "knows no borders," especially now that international travel has resumed, but vaccines "remain highly effective" against any of the subvariants in preventing serious illness or death.


  9. Quote

    COVID-19: Eight deaths  1,106 new cases


    Posted 12/07/2022

    The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported Monday 8 deaths and 1,106 new infections due to covid-19. Since the pandemic arrived in the country in March 2020, the Health authorities have registered of 8,307 deaths due to the new coronavirus. On Monday, 5,963 tests were applied with positivity of 18.5%. There are 21,621 active cases and 290 hospitalized of which 35 are in intensive care. COVID-19: Eight deaths  1,106 new cases


  10. Quote

    Transparency International fingers government corruption


    Posted 12/07/2022

    The Foundation for the Development of Citizen Freedom, the Panamanian chapter of Transparency International (TI), warned Tuesday, as protestors gathered for another march that widespread dissatisfaction has galvanized the country.

    “We call on the three powers of the State to guarantee social peace and to attend to the requests that demand the proper use of resources and the cessation of the waste that we are witnessing through the media, in order to achieve the channeling of social tensions for a peaceful coexistence in a democratic and legal State”, said a foundation statement.

    It indicated that the right to protest plays an essential role in giving visibility to claims that need to be addressed and voices that must be heard in a democratic society.

    Political objectives
    “The protests have begun in the face of a government administrative management characterized by a negative cash flow and a dramatic public debt that is used for what appear to be discretionary uses motivated by political objectives and not to provide public services with dignity,” it added.

    The organization said  that it is concerned that in the three years of government management there has been a setback in the transparency of public data, a greater weakness in the control institutions, an increase in the state payroll, and a "boldness in political-clientism schemes with public money, leading to various forms of corruption.”


  11. Quote

    Chamber of Commerce demands State austerity


    Posted 12/07/2022

    As protestors from multiple sectors gathered  Tuesday for another demonstration Panama’s  Chamber of Commerce, Industries, and Agriculture of Panama (Cciap) demanded containment and control of public spending, austerity, and transparency in the management of finances, by the three State organs.

    The call came amid citizen protests and road closures in all provinces of the country due to the rise in the prices of fuel, food, and medicine, as well as the increase in public spending, in the midst of the pandemic.

    Marcela Galindo De Obarrio, president of the Cciap, said that it is "unacceptable to contract more public debt to finance the current operating expenses of the State, especially in a situation of increased payroll without justification."

    She  added that the debt should be prioritized for investments that translate "into jobs, productivity and competitiveness."

    For the Cciap, it is “imperative” that both the Executive and Legislative Branches “apply measures to contain public spending, such as the freezing of hiring of non-priority officials, suspension of paid licenses, cutting expenses vertically, especially, mobilization of high-ranking officials”.

    It also asks for cuts in travel, celebrations, and the hiring of new consultants and advisors. In addition, in the midst of a respiratory pandemic, the payroll has increased, both in quantity and cost.

    “As we have pointed out on multiple occasions, it is unsustainable to continue increasing state spending at a time when tax collection has decreased as a result of the pandemic,” the Chamber stressed.


  12. Quote

    Employers  ask construction workers to rethink strike


    Posted 11/07/2022

    The Panamanian Chamber of Construction (Capac) called on the members of the Single Union of Construction Workers (Suntracs), to reconsider the decision to declare stoppages or strikes that affect the development of the activity that is beginning to be reactivated.

    In a statement, Monday, Capac said that it understands the reasons for the manifest concerns and the adhesion that Suntracs may have to the popular complaints, for which they call for reflection so that they avoid adding greater causes of affectation to the critical moments. 

    "A few months ago, the country applauded the fact that Capac and Suntracs reached a collective bargaining agreement, avoiding the paralysis of the industry, aware of what a strike implies in the sector, given its repercussions on the economic reactivation of the country, in the creation of jobs and fulfilling its role as a multiplier factor of our economy”, says the document.

    In addition, they point out that it is time for the Government, private companies, workers, and all sectors to resort to dialogue as the best way to resolve conflicts and address popular complaints for the well-being of all Panamanians.

    Earlier, members of this union carried out closures and protests in the Panamanian capital.


  13. Quote

    Cortizo announcement fails to halt protests and closures


    Posted 12/07/2022

    The announcement by President  Laurentino Cortizo, on Monday, that the price of fuel will be frozen at $3.95 a gallon for private cars along with the freezing of the price of 10 basic food items has failed, to quieten the voices of protestors.

    Teachers, indigenous people, producers, carriers, trade unionists, and other sectors have stated that the announced measures are not satisfactory, so they will continue the teachers' strike and the street protests that began last week.

    Meanwhile, construction workers took to the streets in the capital city and across the country and major highways remain closed by protesters  at multiple points

    It is expected that today, Tuesday, at 2 in the afternoon, the dialogue will resume in Santiago, Veraguas, despite yesterday's aborted  meeting between government representatives and members of Anadepo , which brings together 22 organizations.

    For more than a week, educators, trade unionists, and active forces have been demanding answers from the National Government regarding fuel, the basic food basket, medicines, education, and health.


  14. Quote

    Suntracs workers return to the streets


    Posted 11/07/2022

    members of the Construction workers union (Suntracs), went out early Monday to demonstrate in various parts of the country, as part of the protest actions for the situation that the country is going through. 

    "Suntracs is mobilizing again today, at the national level flyers, pickets and partial closures are taking place against the policies that the current government is carrying out," said José Víquez, one of the union leaders during the protest on the Arraiján- La Chorrera highway.

    "Today we are going out to protest the medicines, the freezing of fuel, and the basic basket, we want to exhort the population to join the fight because the people need concrete answers," said another union leader. 

    The workers protested on Via Centenario, Howard, Colón, Cinquantenario Avenue, Costa del Este, via España, via Puerto de Vacamonte, Arraiján Cabecera, via Domingo Díaz, among others. 

    A pronouncement is expected  Monday from President Laurentino Cortizo. 


  15. Quote

    Protests and closures will continue as dialogue stalls


    Demonstrators in Cinco de Mayo.

    Posted 11/07/2022

    After day-long talks, on Monday a group of protesters breached the security cordon and approached the entrance to the Coopeve convention center in the city of Santiago de Veraguas to demand answers from President Laurentino Cortizo and the government-led dialogue ended without any agreement between the unions and officials.

    Spokesmen for the associations indicated that the street closures and the protests will continue on Tuesday, July 12.

    Armando Espinosa, a spokesman for the civil society groups present at the dialogue, informed TVN that, the three ministers present at the meeting got up from the dialogue table when they saw the protesters outside the convention center.

    In the facilities of the convention center were the Ministers of Education, Maruja Gorday de Villalobos; of Commerce and Industries, Federico Boyd; and Agricultural Development, Augusto Valderrama.

    As happened last week, hundreds of people protested Monday in Plaza 5 de Mayo.

    Meanwhile, the closures of the Inter-American and Transistmica highways are maintained. For example, the international route is closed in the east of Chiriqui and in Los Canelos de Divisa. Another point where the Panamericana remained closed was in the Pacora sector.


  16. Quote

    Government  bends to nationwide unrest and calls worktable


    Posted 10/07/2022

    The National Government has bowed to nationwide protests and convened a worktable to address the high cost of fuel, which impacts the cost of the basic food basket. The first meeting will take place on Monday, July 11 in Santiago, Veraguas province.

    The weekend closures on the Inter-American highway caused losses estimated at approximately $45 million.

    Felipe Rodríguez, president of the Chiriquí Chamber of Commerce, said that between 5,000 and 6,000 trucks with perishable food, dairy, fuel, and other products were trapped on the highway and called on the government to negotiate as soon as possible.

    On  Saturday, the Association of Doctors, Dentists of the Social Security Fund, together with other health professionals, announced a work stoppage if in 48 hours the Government does not take action.

    The epicenter of citizen outcry and protests this weekend was the Inter-American highway, in the section in the province of Chiriquí, where points such as Ojo de Agua, Viguí, Tolé, Salado, San Félix, San Juan, and Horconcito remained closed. by protesters on Friday and Saturday.

    On one side were the teachers, indigenous groups, and parents' associations, who demanded the presence of the Government and a response to their clamor. On the other, hundreds of drivers trapped in the roadblock some trapped for two days ready  to clash with the demonstrators

    Meanwhile, doctors warned: “if negotiation of the demands of the sectors are not fulfilled, we call on all doctors, dentists, interns and residents, as well as all health sector workers, to join a great national stoppage of 48 hours that can be extended,”

    In addition, they specified that on Monday, July 11, demonstrations will be held at noon and that they will participate in a march on July 12, with Porras Park as its starting point and the route will be to the Presidency.

    Educator, Amarilis Pérez, who was in the Tolé area told La Prensa they have no other alternative to be heard by the authorities than to close the roads.

    He stressed that the fight is not only for the benefit of the indigenous sector but also for the rest of the country that has been harmed by the rise in fuel and the high price of food.

    He demanded that the Government install a high-level table in which concrete proposals are presented to solve these problems. "We don't want any more promises," he said.

     Ricardo Miranda, president of the Ngäbe Buglé Youth Council, stressed that there were not only educators; young people, and parents also closed some seven points of the highway.


  17. Quote


    STRIKE CALL: Doctors give the government 48 hours to respond


    Posted 09/07/2022

    The Association of Doctors, Dentists, and Related of the Social Security Fund (Amoacss) has given  the government 48 hours to respond to their demands or they will call a 48-hour expandable strike. They want the government  to initiate "tax savings, end the botellas (insider jobs)  and superfluous expenses", in order to achieve a reduction in taxes and a reduction in the price of fuel,

    The announcement by the Amoacss in coordination with interns and residents, medical bases, professionals, and technicians from the health sector throughout the country respond to the current socio-economic crisis.

    In a statement they express their concerns such as the premature removal of masks, and the rise in fuel costs without measures to stop it, causing an increase in electricity and food for all Panamanians.

    They also refer to the recently launched MedicSol program, which in their opinion does not solve the problem of drug shortages and the state of physical abandonment of the facilities, lack of supplies, and medicines, which have even led to the suspension of surgeries due to lack of gauzes.

    Similarly, they mention the “permanent disrespect for doctors and workers in the health sector, such as the non-appointment of staff who worked on covid or deducting wages from workers who survived, disrespect and illegalities, especially internal doctors, with suspensions of contracts due to cuts, not paying shifts on time, not paying salaries for months after working, abuses by placing doctors to work outside functions because the government saves itself by exploiting them, as well as the illegal imposition of guarantors so that a doctor can specialize ”

    They warn that “if these urgent fuel and basic basket measures are not complied with, together with an effective negotiation of the demands of the sectors, we call on all doctors, dentists, interns, and residents, as well as all workers in the health sector, to join in a great national stoppage of 48 hours extendable; for which we  invite all patients and retirees to join in this national protest.”


  18. Quote

    Indigenous groups close Chiriqui highways


    Posted 09/07/2022

    Indigenous groups in Chiriqui have joined the other movements nationwide protesting against the high cost of living and the price of gasoline.

    On Friday from 5 pm  they blocked highways across the province forcing drivers to spend the night on their vehicles

    the interruption of traffic occurred at least 12 points of the Inter-American highway, including Viguí, the entrance of Chorcha, and the intersection of Boca del Monte, San Juan, Juay, and San Félix.

    Around 8:45 am  on Saturday, the road, through the Tolé sector, was opened for half an hour before, the protesters closed it again.


  19. Quote

    Protestors demand answers from the Government


    Posted 09/07/2022

    Teachers, parents, and workers marched Friday to demand answers to their claims due to the rise in the cost of fuel, the basic basket, and medicines.

    Teachers' leader Eddy Pinto stressed, after a march from the Church of El Carmen to Plaza 5 de Mayo, that yesterday,  they had not had any rapprochement with the Government and that the strike in the educational sector remains.

    “This fight is not for educators but for the people who also buy food and gasoline. The strike is until the Government proposes solutions to the rise in fuel, the basic food basket, and medicines," Pinto said.

    The Minister of Education, Maruja Gorday de Villalobos, urged teachers to dialogue and return to the classroom. In the minister's words, they hope, no later than Monday, to have conversations again with educators and other groups in the country, although she did not give more details.

    "We are looking for a rapprochement and there are possibilities of returning to dialogue," she said.


  20. Quote

    Stranded motorists confront demonstrators


    Posted 09/07/2022

    Hundreds of people from various parts of the country have been affected by the protests held by teachers and various unions of workers due to the rise in the price of fuel and the basic food basket. The long lines of buses, trucks, and vehicles can be seen in areas such as Ocú, Herrera; Loma Cova, West Panama; and Capira, Loma Campana.

    Social network reports detail that the road to San Félix, Chiriquí has been closed since nine on Friday morning. Some frustrated drivers have begun to struggle with the demonstrators who, with stones, logs, and other items, keep blocking the way reports La Estrella.


  21. Quote

    Panama strengthens its tourism promotion in the Netherlands and Germany


    Panama reached a promotion and marketing agreement with the Dutch airline KLM, with which an economic impact of about $66 million is expected for the country, announced the Panama Tourism Promotion Fund known as Promtur Panama.

    Through this agreement, which began in July and has an initial duration of 6 months, the airline will boost Panama’stourist attractions within the KLM route (Amsterdam and Panama), impacting the markets of Germany and the Netherlands.



  22. Quote

    Panama Prohibits Sales and Import of Vapes


    On June 30, almost a year after Panama’s National Assembly passed legislation banning vape product sales, Panamanian President Laurentino Cortizo gave his assent to the bill. The new law prohibits sales and importation of all vaping and heated tobacco products, with or without nicotine.

    The law does not criminalize use, but bans vaping in any place where smoking is not allowed. The new law also prohibits internet purchases, and gives customs officials authority to inspect, detain and seize shipments. Resellers are allowed to import banned products meant for export to third countries, according to La Prensa.

    President Cortizo vetoed a ban passed by the National Assembly in 2020, and then waited nearly a year to approve the 2021 bill. Panama had already prohibited e-cigarette sales in 2014 by executive decree.

    Consumer vaping advocates at the Asociación por la Reducción de Daños del Tabaquismo de Panamá (ARDT Panamá) opposed passage of the bill last year, noting that it would push vapers to illegal black market products of questionable quality.

    Read More…


  23. Quote

    Deputy seeks to protect Bella Vista’s cultural heritage


    Posted 08/07/2022

    The independent deputy Gabriel Silva has presented a bill to protect the historic buildings of the Bella Vista township considered a cultural heritage.

    “Bellavista architecture has been in Panama for decades. It is quite historical. And they are buildings that we have seen that have many windows, many doors, many balconies, and without a doubt, they represent historical and important moments for Panama”, he said.

    He added that the project seeks to create a cultural heritage specifically for these areas, considering the high real estate development that Bella Vista is registering.

    In recent years, the public has seen that many of the houses and small buildings in the La Exposición neighborhood in Bella Vista have been demolished to make way for new and modern structures.


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