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Posts posted by Brundageba

  1. These words needed to be said by local clients who advertised over there on Ning.  Recent acquisition of the Boquete Ning was apparently a "for profit" endeavor.  Seeking new advertisers was it's apparent aim.  So why the guillotine to those who contributed since the Ning onset now almost 8 years ago?  It beats me (and most of us who departed either by the guillotine or by choice).  When each of us left,so did 8 years of valuable asset to this Boquete Ning site...our contributions.  Years of our lives here by trials and errors and the fruit of that left the Boquete.Ning building.   All the beautiful photos of the area collected by some of the best photographers in town ...gone to leave crude jokes and insulting remarks  with a few scattered Boquete shots recently taken. What is now left on the forum are the new names,  and a skeleton crew of oldies still hangin in order to blow a tad of oxygen onto a glimer of an ember left  over there.  Valuable content has been converted to drivel that is just the stuff we are no longer interested in hearing: conspiracy theory and politics.   (I speak for those of us living here now close to a decade ) 

    On behalf of all of us here on the CL site I say Thank You.   Thank you Bud for all your work to keep Boquete dialogue alive and healthy. 

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  2. We were in there this morning.  The entire bottom floor is under construction still but you can go in and take their elevator upstairs where they have all their bathroom gear : showers, tubs, sauna etc, faucets, sinks for bath and kitchen.  As well they have a wall of high end door handles and locks.  One entire room of various floor tile.  A section for tiling equipment is set up as well.   That place will be HUGE when done.  Go check it out

  3. I just ran into this article myself Bonnie.  When we had those discussions awhile back on the other forum I blew off the possibility of these men actually enticing young families to settle here.  Now i see more and more young families here...like a lot.  I never thought in my wildest dreams folks would actually fall for the line of these men.... I guess I may have been wrong.

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  4. Moth balls....

    Now that we have a dog (something new for us) that loves lizard hunting around bushes in the yard I keep mothballs fresh in the beds and on the canyon.  Last week she lept into the air nearly vertical and what was there was a King snake with a young Fer de Lance in it's mouth.  That was a bed I missed with the moth balls.  I worry abut the dog...and fear one day she will get bit.  We try to keep an eye on her and now she has gone from being an outside dog to an inside dog. 

  5. I don't think that was a "hit" on Canadians as much as posts there are not much related to anything Boquete or Panama in general that are of any use.  Lots of new names I see over there, political discussions  that are more conspiracy paranoia essays too painful to get through reading with quips that last for pages.  Dumb banter seems the preferred fodder.  Less and less traffic in comments from folks that have lived here for any length of time.  Once and awhile a community announcement appears from one of them.  It won't last long at that rate. Lee's dream died.

  6. Well frankly the folks left over there are are new people  who seem to be the most conversant.  It's the blind leading the blind as far as I can see.  Meanwhile...time to move on.  The problems over there are of the administration's own making and I have zero sympathy.

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  7. The best?...the people of Panama.   Kind folks.  
    The climate of Boquete.  The beauty of the countryside.  Peaceful life here.

    The worst?   Youth who have elected to choose the criminal path egged on by adult pros.....gangs.  Violent home invasions.   Frankly when we came here over 8 years ago we anticipated exactly what is happening now.   So you secure your home and use good common sense in how you conduct yourself.  The fact that Panama law allows freedom to children who commit heinous crimes is a real concern.

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