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Everything posted by OldMikeNY

  1. until
    What are you, a comedian? If you've ever heard this or ever wanted to explore your funny side, now you can learn the secrets of stand-up comedy at a 4 week free workshop at La Villa Cafe. Workshop meets for four Saturday nights at 5:30 PM beginning on October 22nd. Please bring paper and pencil and your sense of humor. You will have the opportunity to create your very own five minutes of stand-up material. With enough interest, it may be possible to showcase your talents in a show at the La Villa Cafe with a real audience.
  2. I don't totally agree with the results of the study because each item is a potential problem, but, I have learned one thing about checking out at Pricesmart. There is one cashier - I'm not going to tell you who she is - who is WAY faster than all the others. All things being equal, I always search her out. Even if there are five more people on her line, I get in her line. I was once on a much shorter line with another cashier, and I kept seeing the customers on the next line advance forward, and we weren't moving at all. That's how I found her. She's fast and seems nice too.
  3. Well, Bud was right. You can pay a parking ticket (and probably any traffic offense) in the Chiriqui Mall in David. I don't think it said on the ticket exactly where to go, but, you go to the mall. We first went to the cashier, who sent us to a clerk at a computer terminal. The clerk looked at the ticket, checked the computer, looked at the ticket some more, back to the computer, until she said we can go to the cashier. The whole thing took less than five minutes and the office was air-conditioned.
  4. Photo of David and Leiann Scee, and Michael Schwartz taken after the recording session for this podcast.
  5. I got a parking ticket while parked outside the BCP at the Tuesday market. I know lots of others got the same ticket I did, because when I got to my car, the whole line had tickets on the windows. My question is where do I pay this. Some of my friends here have never heard of a parking ticket, and someone told me I may have to go to David to pay it there. Anybody know for sure?
  6. Photo of Elizabeth (Lucy) Farrell and Michael Schwartz taken after the recording session for this podcast.
  7. Photo of Harry Hunt (left) and Michael Schwartz (right) taken after the recording session for this podcast.
  8. Photo of Inga Collins and Michael Schwartz taken after the recording session for this podcast.
  9. I have used Eshop in Boquete and am happy with the service and I have used MailBoxes and am happy with the service and the people. Recently I heard about The Box Shop in David and wanted to test it out. The one benefit of The Box Shop is the flat rate. The flat rate is $2.50 per pound (they add a 25 cent charge to each package). So, I had 5 packages sent to The Box Shop, some relatively heavy. I ordered some tools and had a package of 33 pounds and one of 26 pounds. All in all, the five packages cost me $229. By comparison, I saved over $130 from similar services in Boquete. I talked with the operator of The Box Shop and he told me he would like to open a satellite office here in Boquete so he could make regular deliveries and make it easier for the people in Boquete. I see the convenience of getting packages here in Boquete, but the flat rate of The Box Shop is something to consider. I was having my mail forwarded to another service and one small envelope cost me almost $8.00. At The Box Shop, every pound is $2.50. Since my test, I see The Box Shop offers the same good service. I get an email when I have a package. One thing about The Box Shop: It is located at the end of a long parking lot. You cannot see it from the street. The parking lot is across from a bakery in David. The operator said to use Google maps, because I used Waze and it got me to the right place, but I didn't know it was inside this parking lot. Again, I'm just reporting on what I did. In my calculations, if I'm going to David anyway for Pricesmart for example, it's not too difficult to go to The Box Shop first.
  10. I will try to contact ARF. Thanks.
  11. I moved into a house one month ago. We noticed a very old dog walking around the block, just wandering around. The dog is not in great shape. She is old and has many crusty like areas on her body the likes of which I've never seen. I like dogs, but we are technically not allowed a dog and this dog is not ours. The fact is, I feel bad for this dog. Yes, everyone asks if we ever fed the dog, and yes we did. This dog is a miserable looking dog with one eye going in the wrong direction. It is so happy to see us (we're not as happy to see her). The dog stinks and we bought shampoo and gave the dog a bath. A few days later the dog smelled just like before. Now this dog sleeps by our front door and is now sometimes joined by a pitbull (I think) who is also friendly. What can we do about this? I don't know if anyone owns this dog, but my best guess is no. We cannot take care of this dog. I don't know how this dog survives, which might suggest someone is caring for the dog, but we've never seen anyone near this dog. It is now sleeping by our house almost all the time. Help.
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