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Boquete Rail Service History



The rail car in front of the post office has intriqued me for sometime. So, I did a little searching around. Very interesting article I found.


Ferrocarril de Chiriquí[edit]

At the end of the nineteenth century, the government of Panama studied the feasibility of additional railroads. In 1910, Panama Railway was commissioned to estimate cost of a railroad from Panama City to David, Chiriquí with branches to Antón (Coclé Province) and Los Santos. The costs were however too high and the government decided to construct additional network in Chiriquí Province only. In 1914, a contract was signed for construction of a railroad David - Boquete - Concepción with a branch Dolega - Potrerillos and another short one to Puerto Pedregal. The railroad was inaugurated on April 23, 1916 with the first train from David to Boquete. (Dr. Alonso Roy)

Edwards Rail Car company reports an undated acknowledgment of their three railcars, which were delivered to Ferrocarril de Chiriquí probably in the 1920s.

In the 1930s and 1940s, the railroads are mentioned in connection with Chiriquí Land Co., a United Fruit company, involved in banana growing and real estate management in Panama. The railroad used General Electric engines ([1]).
In Bocas del Toro Province, Chiriqui Land Co. also operated a railroad system that covered Almirante, Changuinola, Guabito and parts of Sixaola. This railroad was removed in 1999, leaving only the bridge over Changuinola River.

After 1974, the infrastructure of Chiriquí Railroads has been transferred to Ministry of Public Works (Ministerio de Obras Públicas) and operations were stopped. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the tracks of the defunct railroads are being dismantled and reused for construction of bridges in rural areas La Prensa February 21, 2003.


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Read the book:

Boquete: Rascos de su Historia by Milagros Sanchez Pinzon    This is an historic account of all aspects of the early settlement of Boquete to include the railroad.   The book is in Spanish.  Although my language skills are marginal, I found the book captivating.  I learned a lot of new words and wrote the definitions in the margins.  I will be reading this book again and again.  The history of the settlement of Boquete is a fastening story !!!!

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1 hour ago, Brundageba said:

Read the book:

Boquete: Rascos de su Historia by Milagros Sanchez Pinzon    This is an historic account of all aspects of the early settlement of Boquete to include the railroad.   The book is in Spanish.  Although my language skills are marginal, I found the book captivating.  I learned a lot of new words and wrote the definitions in the margins.  I will be reading this book again and again.  The history of the settlement of Boquete is a fastening story !!!!


That is good!!!   It is a good start to learn and master the Spanish language.  

And it is better if you are reading a book that is interesting and captivating.




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