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Hil J

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Safety And Security Chiriqui



It appears the security meeting was well attended yesterday. Hopefully the officials can get more support for police, vehicles and investigators. Also, maybe the representative can at least start a Bill in Panama City for change in the juvenile laws.

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Change in the law.  Athena said it will definitely be a battle.  The "rights of the child" was an obstacle that needs to be re-visited. I sense attitudes across this republic are changing as every sector is being increasingly impacted by juvenile criminals committing heinous crimes.  A recent poll taken across the nation evidenced that the primary complaint the public has, is an increase in crime and a sense that something has to change.  That was #1 over the concern over the rising cost of living !!...consider that.   Gangs are shifting around...youth led by adult criminals.   Vulnerable populous in the interior districts  need the same protection as that of the more dense and affluent ones.  One policeman for 1200 people 24/7 is a draw to the criminal.  That was stressed.  This was a meeting.  Now we must protest, protest and protest some more.  We heard the voice of the local municipality who are equally as concerned with regard to their sense of helplessness as we are as citizens.  Consider that. 

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