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Memories of our dear friend Dru Aguilar



Dru's Bench

We have a seat and it's kinda neat,

it sits in the yard with a view.

We sit out there in the cool mountain air

and think of our times spent with Dru.


There's such a breeze, and pollen...we sneeze

and a moment of sadness wafts by.

We miss you Dru.  We think of you,

and those thoughts cause us to cry.


But in our seat that's oh no neat, we can see such a beautiful view.

The sky up high, and birds flyin' by, and happiness in thoughts of you.

A hummingbird drinks from a flower nearby; a hawk squawks chased by a bird.

The sounds we hear make us feel you're near.  The sweetest sounds we've heard.


So cheers to you Dru !  YOU are the view:

the flowers, the wind and the sky.

We sit in this seat...oh so neat;

You're near...so why should we cry ?


We love and miss you Dru!

Alison and Bill Brundage

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Few days go by when we do not think of our  friend Dru.  Value your days......and spread kindness and joy.   Dru was that kinda guy.


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