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Chiriqui Life Funding

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On 10/12/2015 at 8:45 PM, Don Ray said:

I looked up the pricing on the software used for Chiriqui Life and it looks to be as expensive as the one use by .ning. How are the expenses being covered.




My first impression is that the user interface is much less friendly than .ning, but maybe that is because I am unfamiliar with it..

Funding for Chiriqui.Life is from personal resources.

If you will allow me to expound upon your "...unfamiliar..." thought for a bit, I respect that you added that phrase to the concept of a less friendly user interface. And so, here I go....

I am not a user of the other website that you mention, but based on a quick glance there appears to be a fundamental difference in how things are structured. The other site appears to be a "blog" structure with the principal dynamic information in a single "feed" (but in fairness, there are additional tabs and sections for categories of dedicated information, etc.). Chiriqui Life is principally a community bulletin board (forum) structure, but then also includes the blogging functionality, calendaring, etc.

One big difference between a blog and a bulletin board is that the information categories are pre-established (but expandable) in the bulletin board approach; that makes it somewhat easier (in the opinion of many) to target the information of interest. In a blog, one must sort through everything. Blogs typically file and display information in reverse chronological order; a bulletin board categorizes (segregates) the information and displays it in ascending chronological order, but within each category.

Neither web style is perfect and each has advantages and disadvantages. Chiriqui Life chose the bulletin board approach, but being appreciative of the benefits of a blogging structure resulted in the selection of a software application that accommodates both.

It is everyone's right to choose to use or not use the information resources that work best for them. We only ask that our targeted community of interest try Chiriqui Life's bulletin board structure (with additional functionality) for a while and then make an informed decision.

It has also been suggested that there are some fundamental differences in website administration policies and practices between the site that you mention versus Chiriqui Life. That is a different topic that I choose not to engage in.

In closing, it is obvious that our community needs, uses, and will support information resources that help them in their journey. Part of the reason for that prior sentence is based on the overwhelming interest and support that has bubbled up, and we are less than a week into this project. Support for some websites means paying money as a subscriber or perhaps as an advertiser. Chiriqui Life's perspective is that support means nothing more than using the resource, but in compliance with our Governance Documents -- and nothing more. There is no money involved in the use of Chiriqui Life, but there is a time commitment, which is an even more precious resource.

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WOW. I feel that I have just been lectured. Maybe that was an attempt to be extra clear.


By “unfamiliar”, I meant I have not used the structure presented by this particular BB format. I have used BBs long before the Internet was in place on dialup modems, so I am very familiar with BBs.


I disagree that .ning is a blog format. Far from it. I run a blog. 


If you really haven't looked at the .ning format, you might learn something by investigating it. It provides a more graphical experience. .ning is social network site like FaceBook, but more specific in nature.


That being said, either can do the job. and the key is quality moderators that do not move discussions in a direction they want, but allow all opinions to be heard. (The exact opposite of what is occurring on BN now.)


There is no question that Chiriquí needs information coming from user experiences. This is beneficial for those living here as well as those considering living here.


I am glad to see that there is a deep pocket benefactor who is funding this project, even though the benefactor of benefactors choose to remain anonymous. 


I pay for my blog’s expenses, and expect this site will cost at least 6 to 7 times the cost of my blog, when you figure in domain name registration and hosting.


My last comment is that I applaud the direction of this site being Chiriquí and not limiting it to a single location.




Don Ray




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