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Need plants for fish pond and source for fish food


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Yesterday I had three young men drain and pressure wash my cement fish pools and waterfall. They’re now algae-free and crystal clear, but I need more plants to keep it that way. I have water lilies but need some other, smaller plants like parrots feather and anacaris, but I’ve never seen them for sale here. Does anyone know of a source or have some water plants to share?

Also, I have a lot of goldfish in the pond, some quite large. I need a more economical source for goldfish food than Melo or Mascotas.  Does anyone know of a source for a larger, less expensive supply?

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17 minutes ago, JohnF13 said:

Bonnie,  don't know if it will work, but I buy Tilapia food from Chiki in Dolega at a good price.  I also have a bunch of duckweed/trefoil if you want it.  Lots of water hyacinths as well

Thanks, John. I will private message you.

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