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Wednesday July 26th at Colibri- Tasting Menu with Patricia Miranda From Cerro Brujo Gourmet - ONLY 30 SEATS AVAILABLE


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1. Beet Vicchyssoise

2.  Spectacular Salad with Beet and Carrot Dust, Spinach, Basil, Rhubarb, Russian Kale, Zuchinni, Beets, Papaya, Crystal Onions, Olive Oil and Coconut Water Emulsion  

3. Green Curry Jumbo Shrimp with Sweet Potato Fries

4. Prime Rib with Au Jus Sauce, Salted Mustard Leaves and Rosemary Potatoes

5. Dessert: Cassava Cake (Enyucado) with Guava Coulis

$40 Per Person, includes a Premium Wine Glass
$50 Per Person Includes Wine Pairing with Every Course

Reserve by emailing info@restaurantecolibri.com or by calling 63791300


1. Vicchyssoise de remolacha

2. Ensalada espectacular con Polvo de Zanahoria y Remolacha, Espinaca, Albahaca, Ruibarbo, Russian Kale, Zucchini, Remolacha, Papaya, Cebollas Cristalinas, Aceite de Oliva y Emulsion de Agua de Coco

3. Langostino al Curry Verde Acompañado de Camote Fries

4. Prime Rib con Salsa Au Jus, Hoja de Mostaza Salteada y Papas al Romero

5. Postre: Enyucado con Coulis de Guayaba 


$40 Por Persona, incluye una Copa de Vino Premium 
$50 Por Persona Incluye Maridaje con Cada Tiempo

Reservas escribiendo a info@restaurantecolibri.com ó llamando al 63791300

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