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Gruber´s Topical Antidote

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For your traveling convenience the  TINCTURE  of  this NATURAL  ANTIDOTE  FORMULA  comes dried  in one inch by one inch Cotton  Squares in a little plastic bag that  fits in your wallet or purse so you always carry this life protection wherever you go!

Just wet one with about a teaspoon of water and apply as FIRST AID to quickly eliminate Pain and Inflammation from Scorpion, Bee, Wasp, Stingray, Fire Ants, Hairy Caterpillars and Mosquito & Sand Fly Attacks. Relief is almost INSTANT! It has other uses. Apply on precancerous skin conditions twice daily!  Apply 3 times daily to heal Infected Wounds, Cuts, Burns and Fungal Infections. For toenail fungus apply at bed time for 3 weeks. One Pad placed in two ounces of grain alcohol reconstitutes 2 ounces of tincture worth 20 dollars. The pad that makes you 20 dollars costs wholesale only 5 dollars! These tincture pads are ultra light and can be transported vary inexpensively!

If you know of places where bugs are a menace to human beings this business will work for you. The  minimum  Internet wholesale order is  25 Pads. This is a different but similar formula as the one I use in making    "GRUBERS  JUNGLE  OIL."  This oil though  effective  was heavy and costly to transport.   This  tincture  reconstituted instantly from cotton pads, in water or alcohol, works even faster and is vary economic to ship.  2,000 dollars of it occupies vary little space weighing only several ounces.   At this time these pads are made at an Arts & Crafts production level and intended to give work primarily to Back Packers having difficulty paying lodging and travel expenses.   Back Packers are among the most attacked by  Vicious Bugs and when they recommend this product is because IT WORKS!  This is not so much about making large amounts of money but rather serving the most  needy.

I am classified by the Panamanian Government in the field of Arts & Crafts of Consumption since 1997.  I follow in the footsteps of my mother Diana Chiari de Gruber who founded the Arts and Crafts School that now bears her name in La Arena de Chitre, Republic of Panama.  She earned Panama´s Presidential Award for Prospering the Humble Classes, Medallum Belisario Porras.   She was fond of saying:

 “ there is no such thing as a sad arts and crafts person.  While they make their product they forget their problems and when they sell the products they SOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS!”  My goal in Panama and later the World is to establish Arts and Crafts Schools in most rural  communities  and help them market their creations internationally.   While you are in the Tropics appreciate you purchasing from me or my World Distributors samples of Gruber´s Topical Antidote.  I am sure you will LOVE IT!

To become a WORLD DISTRIBUTOR please write Master Herbalist Franklin Gruber Chiari at   botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.com or naturistachiari@gmail.com     or   botanicogruber@hotmail.com    Thank You for your interest in this incredibly fascinating product!    Franklin  Gruber  Chiari


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