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News from Boquete Rotary Club

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The Boquete Rotary Club works in many ways for the community.  Here in Boquete we do most of our work silently.
We want to share with the community our latest projects.
  • We have been working at the Boquete MINSA Health Clinic partnering with other Rotary Clubs from USA.  As a result, we have built secure waste management facilities for the infectious and general regular waste generated by the clinic.  We have also built new bathrooms for the clinic's clients. The clinic and some examining rooms have been painted with fresh colors and cartoon characters to make it a less intimidating place for the children, pregnant women and other patients that rely on this public clinic. 
  • For many years we have  been providing student and teacher supplies and constructed improved facilities for the Public Schools in the Boquete and Potrerillos communities.
  • We have provided training and equipment for the local firefighters and police, partnering with Rotarians from Canada.
  • We have brought medical teams to Panama to provide services to remote villages across western Panama.
  • We provide scholarships to deserving students in the area.
  • We bring teachers to Panama each year to provide teacher training seminars, in coordination with MEDUCA, the Panama Education Ministry.  Select teachers are also sent to the US each year at Rotary expense to improve their teaching skills.
Now we have our biggest ongoing project in Boquete: The TROPEZÓN PARK.
This park was functioning, but in very bad shape. No drinking fountain, no bathrooms, little grass to speak of. Lots of stones and uneven ground for children to play "futbol" ( soccer ).
The Boquete Rotary Club has undertaken a renovation of this Park to give the children of Boquete a safe place to play. A kiosk has been built and a bathroom is in undergoing construction. Fencing has been installed, and plans are to level the field and place sod to create a good soccer field
We would like to get the whole community of Boquete involved. Businesses, Civic Clubs, and Panamanian and Foreign Boquete residents.  In this way, everyone will be proud of their contribution to help Boquete look beautiful and providing a safe park for our children.
Please come tomorrow to the Tuesday Market, visit our Rotary Table to learn about this wonderful project and help us out with a donation. Any amount of money you can donate towards this park will contribute to a better Boquete.
You could sign our donation list there. We will be publishing the amounts raised every week via newsboquete.
We are located outside the Hexagon room, on the left side as you come in to the Market.
Thank you so much for supporting this Boquete project that we are building in front of everyone's.
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