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Centro San Benito in Volcan

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We got out before the serious rain started yesterday and drove around the mountain to Volcan forb a great Mexican lunch at Burrico's and a visit to Centro San Benito. This is a farm, school, crafts and community center complex operated by monks of the order of St. Benedict.

To help fund the operations there, they sell products there which have been donated in container loads by corporations including Hershey and Lands End.

The clothing section is always fun as we sort through items for more than size, color and style.  Most of the pieces are samples or overruns and have embroidered custom logos. Over the years I've been everything from a Master Gardener to a College student to a Utility worker.

This time I think we really nailed it.


Jillian's hooded sweatshirt 


Keith's hooded windbreaker

Price is never an issue there, these items were $10 each. We also loaded up on small boxes of chocolates for Christmas gifts.

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