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New Restaurant Tipping Law - Ley 34 de 2 de agosto de 2016

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Now, finally it is a law.  

Ley 34 de 2 de agosto de 2016 states in the articulo 2 a modification to the articulo 56 of Ley 45 del 2007.


This article 2 have the following information very important for you as consumers in the Republic of Panama.


  • Prices in the local commerce should be well written, clear and visible.  This is to avoid any error, mistake, confusion of the customer.  Customer will only pay the price that is anounced and stated.  If for any reason the product has in its label different prices, customer should only pay the lowest price market.
  • Tipping for the service received will be voluntary.  It shouldnt be included in the bill or invoice as an additional charge to the price accorded or announced.  However the tipping could be suggested in the bill or invoice but not included in the balance to pay.  



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End to “tip included” restaurant bills

Posted on August 3, 2016 in Panama

Post Views: 189

INCLUDING TIPS  on restaurant and hotel bills  became illegal in Panama on Wednesday, July 3 , when President Juan Carlos Varela signed off on a consumers’rights bill..

“The new rule states that the tip or gratuity for the service is voluntary, so it will not be included as an additional charge to the price agreed or announced, except in the case of services pre-contracted  in which the gratuity charge is determined ” says  a statement of the Ministry of Communication
It adds that , the tip may be suggested, provided that the total is specified in the bill to pay, including taxes or fees and also display a clearly differentiated total to pay, including taxes, fees and suggested tip.

The bill also  provides obligations of the supplier accept  coins or notes of any denomination without submitting personal identification.

The legislation specifies that in the case of parking  services a sign must be displayed saying: “This place does not offer free parking to customers.”  It must also announce the rates and conditions of service “.

The law, take effect from its promulgation, also provides that the supplier must accept coins or notes of any denomination duty without  personally identifiction, provided they are legal tender in the Republic of Panama as well as deliver the exact change..

Any establishment selling goods must display the price  accurately and  clearly visible to the public
“Provider adoption of any practice that misleads the consumer to confusion or misleading about the price of goods and services is prohibited,” said the statemen


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Acodeco to look for Bill Violations

The Consumer Protection Authority (Acodeco) will begin operations next week to identify businesses that include tips in bills.

That practice has been deemed to be illegal under a law signed Wednesday by President Juan Carlos Varela.

Oscar García, manager of Acodeco, reported Thursday that the agency will wait until next week to do inspections so that retailers have time to reconfigure their equipment.

He said businesses should not be taken by surprise because the law has been widely promoted and because representatives of restaurants and hotels participated in its discussion in first debate in the National Assembly.

"For this reason, in principle, this should not be a surprise to anyone," he said.

Violators face fines for non-compliance.


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Restaurants have weekend to adjust to no inclusive tips

Posted on August 4, 2016 in Panama, Restaurants

Post Views: 202

RESTAURANTS will have a weekend breathing space to adjust their billing equipment to the “no tips included” regulation which was signed into law on August 3.

Oscar Garcia, manager of  Acodeco, said Thursday August 4 that he will wait until next week for traders to adjust their equipment but pointe out that although the law appeared in the Official Gazette on August 3 it should  not be a surprise for traders, because representatives of restaurants and hotels participated in discussion at the first debate in the National Assembly.

“Therefore, in principle this should not be a surprise to anyone,” he said.

He stressed  that traders must make adjustments so  that from Monday, August 8 invoices do not include  tips, otherwise they will be subject to sanctions either because they were detected by Acodeco or by complaints from citizens.

The new rule states that the tip or gratuity for the service is voluntary, so it will not be included as an additional charge.

The tip may be suggested, provided that the total is specified in the bill to pay, including taxes or fees. And it must show clearly and in differentiated manner the total bill without the tip.


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