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Maybe a good Samaritan can translated this well written article.

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This is written in Panamanian  (not in Spanish) so the translator on my computer does not a good job on translating it.  The author is a well respected long time Panamanian who has stood up for integrity to the point of exile.  (Look him up)  Good summary on what Panama needs to do in our role on the Panama Papers, Corruption, etc.  Worth a read, not enough time to translate it.  Need a good Samaritan to translate it.


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This is what my Google translate came up with:



Be we ran the story !: I. Roberto Eisenmann, Jr.


I. Roberto Eisenmann  13 May 2016 to 03: 02h

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The firm Mossack Fonseca led the sale of anonymous level business selling burgers societies franchises were built around the globe to sales corporations, uncontrolled, to misuse, to the point that ended the hen who -a he puts them and all international lawyers of Panama golden eggs.

Now for reconclavar, Explode Waked case, affectations yet unimagined people and last names of prestigious and "trabajadorsísimos" Panamanians, not to mention the oldest of our Republic day, and thousands of losing their jobs Panamanians, without knowing why .

But every problem is an opportunity, and every great problem a great opportunity. The opportunity is that all Panamanians (yes, all) say a enough!

End of story ... and storytellers. No more "play live"; first, the cam ... helicopters, airplanes, etc ... and then -through this example all others. As recently wrote Ela Urriola (whom I have the honor of meeting), all we have to go "to defend Panama-first Panamanians themselves."

What to do? Recognize that our institutions are weak ... it seems that way, to protect "avivatos". The Financial Analysis Unit (UAF) is still in office, when it should be independent. The Superintendency of Banks still keeping the secret of the sanctions that were imposed on banks that engaged in massive money laundering of the corruption of the previous government, and has not told us if there was one compliance officer, or single member of the board whose dismissal was demanded. All this endangering the entire system to dominate the commotion and panic, not to trust the transparency of the regulator.

The Securities now, after three major scams, talks about reforms ... but what scammers? ... Well thanks, and you?

The Attorney hopes created with the appointment of the new procurator, but is losing credibility by not-for her silence collaborate with international case Odebrecht and demonstrate an overly close connection with the Security Council.

The Supreme Court has become the "Supreme Injustice" shamefully. The appointment of two new judges -for now seen as a hope- fell to the ground in the first act of them to propose (what was interpreted as a presidential instruction) reelection as president questioned the magistrate's history ... and the court cases against the corrupt former suspiciously still frozen.

Finally, the National Assembly approves, in the midst of an international campaign to check the transparency of our country a new Law on Public Procurement, with advances but with the special construction of a specific window and condemned own name for the company in its own country and internationally questioned the recognition that has a special department for bribe to government officials where he works. That is, the message of the law produced by our Assembly is, "Hear what I say, but do not look at what I do" ... vibrance has stuck us in the mess we're in!

We were already finished the story!

President: Please, give this country a change of direction, with strength, determination and clear leadership!

The world is our natural market. Panama does not live maleantería and we must act and say "vividness is over." Chips fall, and you have to close the shady business, whether those are.

And we citizens ... we have to demand that it be!

- See more at: http://impresa.prensa.com/opinion/acabo-cuento-Roberto-Eisenmann-Jr_0_4482301778.html#sthash.2Ajbl90k.dpuf

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