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Pastor's Letter 20230521 - 21 May 2023 - Heaven and Earth

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May 21st, 2023

Feast of the Ascension


Jesus Ascends to the Father

Stained glass window by  F. Zettler (1878-1911,) at German Church at Stockholm, Sweden.

A Message from Father Michael

Today’s Theme:  “Heaven and Earth”

Reflections on Today’s Scripture

(Acts 1:1-11)  In ascending to the right hand of the Father, Jesus has taken our human nature to glory beyond that of the angels. He is enthroned on high and lives forever in communion with God.

Luke describes the Ascension of Jesus through the eyes of the disciples, into the presence of God, as occurring “on a cloud,” the very vehicle on which He will come at the end of time.  Having been “taken up,” into heaven, He signaled the beginning of a new era:  the mission of the Church, about to be inaugurated.  He commissioned the apostles, as the nucleus of His Church, with the continuation of His presence and power.  No longer “earthbound,” Jesus now shares in the glory of His Father, and continues to guide and direct His community.


(Ephesians 1:17-23)  Paul describes the meaning of the Ascension, wherein God raised Jesus above all other earthly powers, and made Him Head of the Church, and Lord of all creation.

Paul viewed the Ascension as the logical conclusion and completion of the Easter season.  God has raised Jesus above all nebulous powers in heaven and on earth, to His due position as “First-Born”—the Crown of creation, by nature; the “First” to be born from the dead by His Resurrection“First,” in every way.  Christians who are baptized into Christ, are also risen with Him; and with Him, we are exalted into heaven to be glorified.  


(Matthew 28:16-20)  Jesus directed the apostles to preach the Gospel to all nations, and promised to remain with them, always: 

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” 

With these words, Jesus gave the apostles “the Great Commission,” their “marching orders.”  Fortunately for us, they were able to carry out this directive—and through their work, we have inherited a Great Church, in which we also are His disciples.  We stand firm in His promise to, “To be with [us] to the end of the age.”  

The Meaning of the Ascension

The feast of the Ascension completes the Feast of Easter, by establishing the God-man at the right hand of the Father in heaven, to reign as the conqueror of the death of mankind, and the head of the Church, whose mission is to enfold mankind within its embrace.  “God ascends His throne amid shouts of joy; ascending on high, He has led the captives from darkness,” cry the alleluias of Ascension Day; 

Christ went up to heaven, but His followers on earth—and we among them—are to carry out His divine mandate—that we lead our brothers and sisters to Him from the entire earth.  As He was about to ascend into heaven, He declared: “You shall receive the power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you shall be witnesses for Me in Jerusalem, [in] all Judea and Samaria and even to the very ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8.)  

In this way He repeated to the apostles the command He had previously given them: “Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations.”  Matthew tells us the apostles obeyed, and “went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them.” 

Christ said: As the father has sent Me, I also send you.”  And in virtue of the Mystical Body, in His disciples, Christ, Himself, went out.  Augustine said: “Christus predicat Christum,” (Christ preaches Christ,) through His Church.  In this way, Christ speaks to the nations.

On this Ascension Day, may we reflect on the grandeur of the Church, the establishment of which, Christ, in His last words before rising into heaven, commanded to be established in every part of the earth.  Augustine said, “Every new local Church is a new generation of the historic Mother Church, founded in the days of the apostles”—from which our Church today is descended.  “The Churches are the ‘daughters’ of the apostles—and the ‘daughters’ of the King, for Christ is the King of Kings.”  The apostles preached the Word of truth and brought forth the Church, not of themselves, but of, and for HIM.  

Similarly, all Christians who participate today in the apostolate of the Church are descendants of those who watched Christ ascend into heaven.  All preachers of the Gospel, through whom the Lord journeys through all the nations, are, in Augustine’s words, “the feet of the apostles, sent through the whole world.”

The life, teaching, death and resurrection of Jesus had made Him unforgettable for His apostles.  The powers of priesthood, which He shared with them, made them conscious that His mission would be continued in them. Moreover, Jesus would dwell in them. He had only to confirm and deepen their faith by frequent appearances and instructions during the 40-days following the resurrection, during which, they experienced His love and care.  His own Ascension into heaven gave them assurance that they could follow Him.  But Jesus knew He had to impress upon them the fact that the Holy Spirit is a real Person.  Repeatedly, therefore, especially at the solemn moment of His Ascension, Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit’s vivid presence with them.  Through His inspiration, their missionary zeal would embrace the world and bring all races to belief in Christ.

Christ’s Ascension was His liberation from all restrictions of time and space.  It does not represent His removal from earth, but His constant presence everywhere…as God is present everywhere.  Other than His promise to the apostles, He gave them no other assurance.  But that was enough to give them the courage necessary to embark on His continued mission.  

Therefore, we have a sense of Christ’s presence, and through that, we also have courage to face the world.  

In spite of the grave failings of His disciples, and many terrible persecutions—even today—the Gospel has come down to us across two thousand years.  This surely is evidence of Christ’s promise, “I will be with you always, even to the end of time.”

Jesus now depends on us—His witnesses in the world.  It’s a demanding task, but a great privilege, too.  When we witness to truth, justice, love and peace, we are witnessing to Jesus.  The best way we can witness is to live truthfully.  The way to witness to justice, is to act justly in all our dealings with others.  The way to witness to love is to act lovingly towards others.  And the way to witness to peace, is to live in peace with others. 

In short, the most effective way to witness to Christ is to live a Christian life.  As Mother Teresa told us:  “I don’t pray for success; I pray that I may be a faithful witness.”

May God Richly Bless You!


Lift Him Up.docx

To view a recording of today's Holy Mass, click here: 


Edited by Father Michael
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