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I have struggled with posting or not posting the below message that was distributed via News Boquete about a week ago. I have decided to go ahead and post it here. It seems to be relevant to the topic of this forum. I hope the originator will not object.

Subject:[News Boquete] "Crimes Against Foreign Citizens Living In Panama" - A Proposal
Date:Mon, 12 Oct 2015 14:31:40 -0500
From:News Boquete <news.boquete@gmail.com>
Reply-To:dale jackson <dvjjackson@earthlink.net>


Crimes Against Foreign Citizens Living In Panama - Proposal


The Ambassadorial section of the US Embassy in Panama has the ability to address security problems of US Citizens with the Panamanian government. ( Likewise, other ex-pats living in Panama have their own Embassy officials they can contact with regards to their safety concerns. )


·         As US Citizens living in the extended Boquete areas of Panama we can collectively present “our security and safety issues” to our US Ambassador in Panama.


·         We can  present the crime statistics and the opinion of our local police officials regarding the youth who are committing these life threatening home invasion crimes against American Citizens living in the extended Boquete area… and why the capture, arrest and release without prosecution of these criminals continues to encourage these violent crimes against American  Citizens.


·         If correctly presented, we feel working via our Embassy is the most effective means of motivating the Panamanian government to change its laws concerning under-age offenders committing the life threatening  crimes against Americans...not only in the extended Boquete area but throughout all of Panama.


·         We feel a group of concerned citizens (consisting of Americans living in the extended Boquete area) need to develop a proposal for the Warden to consider presenting to our Ambassador.


·         Once the Warden is in agreement we anticipate the Warden (possibly accompanied by a few delegates) will need to meet with our US Ambassador (or their appointee) in Panama City to present our concerns.


·         … American Citizens living in other regions of Panama can work with their Warden and Embassy in a similar fashion

… Ex-pats from other countries living in the extended Boquete area (and other regions of Panama) can work with their Warden and Embassy in a similar fashion.


Dale Jackson & John Sandeen

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I have already passed much of this information on to the Embassy. It is not a new topic and has come up in different versions in previous Warden meetings in Panama City.

Obviously the U.S. is currently without an Ambassador for Panama. One has been nominated, but not approved. 

Nonetheless this is a topic that needs to be pushed to the Embassy with the hopes that the Embassy will pass the concerns on to their counterparts. In previous meeting at the Embassy we received presentation on how the U.S. is working with the Panama government related to police and the justice system, 

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Ambassador Farrar left his post here in Panama either in late May or early June 2015. He told me when he was being re-posted and where, but I do not remember his new posting. I was just sorry to see him leave because I thought he and his wife did a good job. They were interested in and committed to helping.

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