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Panama and the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic. Omicron and beyond

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All articles about the Covid 19 prior to the identification of the Omicron variant can now be found here:

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Covid-19 active cases quadruple in two weeks


Posted 19/05/2022

Active cases of covid-19 have quadrupled in the last two epidemiological weeks, amid the fifth wave of infections reports the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

The most recent situation report published on May 17— shows that there were more than 6,066 active cases in week 17 (April 24 to 30)  which climbed to 24,653 in week 19 (May 8 to 14), which represents an increase of 306% for every 100,000 inhabitants.

The document specifies that this increase in active cases originates at the expense of the increase of between 112% and 520% in eight provinces: Herrera, Panamá Oeste, Panamá, Los Santos, Chiriquí, Coclé, Veraguas and Darién.

Hospitalizations rising 
The country registered a significant increase in hospitalizations in the last two weeks. The PAHO document details that in week 17 there were 95 admissions to hospitals and that for week 19 the figure increased to 175, that is, an increase of 84.2%.

The increase in hospitalizations in the ward went from 84 in week 17 to 148 in week 19, while in the ICU it went from 11 to 27, in the same period.

Jorge Luis Prosperi, a public health specialist and member of the Health Advisory Council, said that for five consecutive weeks there has been an increase in cases, and that hospitalizations are on the rise.

As of May 17, there were 224 people hospitalized for covid-19 (189 in the ward and 35 in the ICU), according to the Ministry of Health.

Prosperi said it is worrying that active cases continue to trend upwards and that more than 28 days ago the country left the safety zone of 5% positivity in laboratory tests. It is currently 21.9%.


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Significant increase in covid-19 cases - PAHO


Mask wearing continues to be an effective tool against the spread of the virus.

Posted 21/05/2022

Panama is showing a significant increase in new cases of Covid -19 Even higher than what was observed at the same time in 2020 and 2021," said Ciro Ugarte director of Health Emergencies of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), at the weekly conference on the epidemiological situation in the region.

He said that this seems to reflect that the variants of the virus are more transmissible and that the virus is increasingly given the opportunity to pass from person to person and that it does so more easily.

According to reports from the Ministry of Health (Minsa), the Omicron variant with the BA.1 and BA.2 sublineages is predominant in Panama.

Ugarte recalled that one of the measures that have proven effective against the new coronavirus, apart from other actions, is the proper use of masks, especially when in contact with other people.

"Protect yourself, get vaccinated, and protect others, because this pandemic is going to stay with us and it will stay longer if we don't implement those measures," Ugarte stressed.


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Panama leads Latin America with  pediatric vaccinations


Posted 23/05/2022

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) announced Monday, May 23, that the hexavalent pediatric vaccine was included in the Expanded Program on Immunization (PAI), which in a single dose protects against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, and hepatitis B.

The vaccine is also effective in preventing invasive Haemophilus and Influenza type B-2 diseases.

According to Minsa, Panama is the first country in the region to introduce this type of biological in its national vaccination schedule.

Itzel Slocum de Hewitt, the general coordinator of  Minsa, said that there are 100,000 doses available.

The official stated that the use of this vaccine "puts the country at the forefront of vaccination programs in Latin America."

She said that having more effective vaccination programs and investing in vaccines not only offers better protection for the population, but also generates "relevant savings for the State since it reduces the burden on the health system", which is currently overwhelmed by the covid-19 pandemic.

In a report by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), it was emphasized that in 2020, due to the pandemic, a total of 2.7 million children in the Latin American region did not receive essential vaccines.

The PAHO report stressed that the "interruption of vaccination campaigns in the last two years has set back almost three decades of processes in vaccination against polio and measles."


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COVID-19 – Three deaths and positivity above 20%


Posted 26/05/2022

The  Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported Wednesday, May 25  three deaths from covid-19  bringing the cumulative total to  8,236.

There were 3,825 new infections with districts that reported the highest number of positive cases is Rufina Alfaro, in San Miguelito with 114; Penonomé, in Coclé with 112; Juan Diaz 112 and Bethania with 94 cases, in the district of Panama.

The Minsa said that 16,879 tests were applied for positivity of 22.7%.

There are 29,029 active cases, of which 28,779 are in isolation and 250 are hospitalized, 211 in the ward, and 39 in intensive care units.


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3,678 new covid-19 cases - five deaths


Posted 27/05/2022

The Ministry of Health reported Saturday  3,678 new infections of covid-19 and 5 deaths. 15,267 tests were applied and the 3,678 cases detected reflect a positivity of 24.1%.  Active cases reached 30,613, with 265 hospitalized including 36 in ICU.


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COVID -19: May closes with over 76,000 infections


Posted 30/05/2022

May will close as the second month of the year with the most confirmed cases of covid-19, with at least 76,000 infections, reports the Ministry of Health (Minsa).

The Minsa specifies that in 29 days of May, 76,187 people with the coronavirus have been reported, well above what was registered in February with 55,224, March 9,333, and April 11,884.

In five months of 2022, January registered the highest number of cases with 204,354, when Panama was facing the fourth wave of the pandemic. It is the highest number of monthly infections since the virus arrived in the country in March 2020.

Regarding active cases, have increased significantly. By April 30, it closed with 6,066 active cases, however, as of May 29, 28,740 were recorded.

At the end of April, 95 people were reported hospitalized; 84 in the ward and 11 in intensive care.  The epidemiological report from Sunday, detailed that there are 260 hospitalized; 221 in the room and 39 in ICU.


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COVID-19 active cases top 30,000


Posted 02/06/2022

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) confirmed on Thursday, June 2, that four deaths were reported due to covid-19 in the last 24 hours, for a cumulative total of 8,262 deaths . 3,789  new infections were recorded bringing the number  of active cases to over 30,000.

According to the entity, this June 2, 16,707 tests were applied, for positivity of 22.7%.

There are 280 hospitalized patients 245 in a room and 35 in ICU.


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71% of Panamanians have complete covid vax schedule


Posted 03/06/2022

At least 71 out of 100 Panamanians have the complete vaccination schedule against covid-19, says a report by Our World in Data published by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). ).

In Panama, the complete vaccination schedule is three doses for those over 16 years of age, while for those between 5 and 15 years of age it is two doses. In addition, a second booster dose is applied to those over 50 years of age.

Another point highlighted by Our World in Data is that 79% of Panamanians have received at least one dose of biologicals against the new coronavirus.

Panama, according to the report, is one of the countries with the highest proportion of the “completely immunized population”, above the world average of 60%.

PAHOmentiond that according to the accumulated tests in Panama, a total of one million 413,853 tests are carried out per million inhabitants, maintaining the application of taking samples from covid-19 to the population above the average for the region of one million, 325,421.


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COVID-19: Three deaths and hospitalizations rise


Posted 07/06/2022

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported  3,523 new cases of covid-19  and three deaths on Tuesday, June 7. The 3,523 were detected after the application of 16,091 tests, for positivity of 21.9%. There are 26,583 active cases. Of this number, 26,287 are in home isolation and 296 are hospitalized, (263 in the ward and 33 in ICU).


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Active covid cases near 5,000 in Metro region


Posted 10/06/2022

The Metropolitan Health Region reports that seven districts have at least 300 active cases of covid-19 and, in the capital city, the figure totals 4,870.

"There has been a relaxation in compliance with biosafety measures and an overconfidence in the vaccine," said the regional director of Health, Israel Cedeño, and emphasized that there are those who think that just because they are vaccinated they will only get a mild cold.

Last week, the metropolitan region reported that the number of active cases that were counted was 4,591.

The data indicates that the districts with the most active cases are San Francisco, with 816; Bella Vista, 664; Juan Diaz, 643; Bethany, 573; Tocumen, 466; Don Bosco, 386, and Parque Lefevre, 322.

The first three districts were the ones that registered the most infections at the national level in the report of the Ministry of Health last Wednesday, June 8.

Cedeño said that schools are not a source of significant contagion and that although they continue to have outbreaks in many schools when doing the investigation they have detected that the majority of people have been infected in the community and not on campus.

“Yes, there have been outbreaks, but the magnitude has not been enough to define that it is because of the classes that we have daily cases of more than 3,000,” he pointed out.


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Drug to cut covid hospitalizations delivered

Posted 15/06/2022

The Figali care center, in Amador, received on Wednesday the first 300 doses of the drug Molnupiravir (for oral use in the early management of covid -19 reports The Ministry of Health (Minsa)

"Today we start with oral treatment for patients who have risk factors such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, who smoke, with lung diseases, who have problems with the central nervous system and who want to receive the medication," reported Yashica González, coordinator of the outpatient program at the Figali care center.

At the site in Amador, which was opened in August 2020 due to the pandemic, there are currently 30 patients with covid-19. Most are only for surveillance and a few receive oxygen support, González explained.

The distribution of the drug Molnupiravir began Monday in the 15 health regions of the country.

The medicine will be provided for those over 18 years of age, in the first 5 days of symptoms.

According to Health Minister, Luis Francisco Sucre, this drug will reduce hospitalizations and complications, while reducing the duration of symptoms.

Sucre also announced that paxlovid should arrive in the next few days, another drug that seeks to reduce the number of hospitalized patients and patients with complications.


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COVID-19: New cases and positivity fall


Posted 17/06/2022

The epidemiological report of the Ministry of Health on Friday, June 17, announced 1,451 new cases of covid-19 (507 less than Thursday) and 2 deaths

The new figures bring the total number of infections to 900,333 and the number of deaths to 8,318.

To know the new cases, 9,763 tests were applied for positivity of 14.9%. Thursday's positivity was 19.1%.

Hospitalized patients total 248 (209  in the ward and 39 in intensive care).


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Panama earns UN award for covid vax program


Posted 24/06/2022

The Government Innovation Authority of Panama (AIG) was awarded by the UN for the innovative tools and solutions implemented for the vaccination process against covid-19, the Government said on Wednesday.

The 2022 United Nations Organization Public Service Award received by the AIG, in the category of "Institutional Resilience and Innovative Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic", distinguishes the "virtue of public service for the community and its contribution in the development process.

"The distinction given to the AIG for its Vaccination Information System against Covid-19, PanavaC-19, is given on the occasion of the United Nations (UN) Public Administration Day.


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Business chamber demands end to state of emergency


Currently it is no longer mandatory to wear masks in open spaces.

Posted 26/06/2022

Panama’s  Chamber of Commerce, Industries, and Agriculture of (Cciap) has called on the government to end the state of emergency declared in March 2020 following the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In its weekly newsletter, the business association recalled that although it is true that the special procedure for State purchases has already been suspended, measures such as the Panama Solidarity Plan are still in force, with its different components and the mandatory use of the mask in closed spaces.

The Chamber emphasizes that these initiatives have fulfilled their purpose and that these resources must be allocated efficiently to priority needs such as productive investment and boosting employment.

“Clearly, the conditions of the pandemic are today considerably different from the last two years, so it makes no sense to maintain such a state of emergency. Just as we see how neighboring nations in the region have already taken the step towards total normality” said the Cciap statement.

For example, the neighboring country of Colombia will end the state of emergency on Thursday, June 30.

According to the Cciap, efforts must now be aimed at advancing as a country and guaranteeing a sustainable and equitable future for citizens.

It is recalled that the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC) reported that the unemployment rate decreased to 9.9%, but that informality increased to 48.2%.

Priorities ahead
“This clearly marks the priority that lies ahead: create jobs and stimulate formal entrepreneurship; without losing sight of the great effort that must be made in terms of education to have enough qualified people to fill the jobs that are generated”.

Likewise, it is emphasized that the promotion of the employer sector is essential for the creation of jobs, especially with the support of micro, small and medium-sized companies that generate between 60% and 70% of employment.

“Not having clarity regarding the dismantling of the emergency structure not only exerts increasing pressure on public finances but also prolongs an interim period that threatens citizens, to the extent that these resources are not directed to the creation of jobs and opportunities that allow them to carve out a better quality of life”.

Last week the President Cortizo, announced that the digital voucher (Panama Solidarity Program) will be extended until December 30.


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Mandatory  use of masks ends July 11


Posted 01/07/2022

President, Laurentino Cortizo, announced Friday during his presentation of the report to the nation, before the plenary session of the National Assembly that from July 11, the mandatory use of the mask in closed spaces will be eliminated, with the exception of health facilities and public transport.

In Panama, the mandatory use of the mask in open spaces or outdoors has been eliminated since March 28 a decision that was made after a decrease in covid-19 infections.

At the time, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) stated that the measure applied as long as a physical distance of at least one meter was maintained, in open spaces. However, on June 26, the infectious disease pediatrician Xavier Sáez Llorens said that the use of the mask should be "left to personal discretion", since "removing mandatory does not mean withdrawing the recommendation to wear a mask".

The president also highlighted the successful vaccination strategy that guaranteed the vaccine to all Panamanians, which is a determining factor for economic recovery.

"Panama has international recognition as one of the countries with the best and most effective mass vaccination systems per capita in the world," he said.

UN recognition
He reminded the Assembly that Panama had the honor of receiving, on June 2, the United Nations Public Service Award in the category of Institutional Resilience and Innovative Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic. He said that to date, Panama has received a total of 10,343, 850 doses and more than 8,390,000 doses have been applied.


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Covid antivirals producing positive results in Panama


Posted 03/07/2022

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reports that the antiviral treatments Remdesivir, Molnupiravir and Paxlovid have given the expected results,  and have reduced the impact of symptoms in patients with covid-19.Yashica González, coordinator of the outpatient services of the Figaly Care Center aimed at Covid-19 patients, emphasized in a statement that antiviral treatments in patients have had a very good response by reducing the impact on symptoms and little presentation of adverse effects.


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Masks remain mandatory in health centers public transport and for food handlers

Posted 04/07/2022

The Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, clarified on Monday, July 4 that the mandatory use of the mask, to prevent the spread of covid-19 , will still apply in medical facilities, public transport and for those who handle food.

The clarification came after the last July 1 the report to the Nation when President Cortizo said that as of next Monday, July 11, the use of masks will not be mandatory in open and closed places.

“In health facilities, public transport and for food handlers, the use of the mask is permanently mandatory,” Sucre explained to the media on Monday. "In offices, both public and private, it will already be by choice," he pointed out.

Asked about the case of schools and other closed places where there are crowds, Sucre explained that everyone who has problems with the immune system or suffers from a chronic disease is recommended to wear a mask. The same suggestion is made for people 55 and older.

Sucre stressed that in the rest of the closed places it is recommended to increase ventilation and added that the mask should also be used in nursing homes.

“Each school will be able to make the decision on how mandatory it will make the use of masks for their children. The more agglomeration and less distancing, our recommendations become stronger. We recommend that children wear their masks if biosafety standards cannot be met,” he stressed.


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Business Chamber questions state of emergency still in place

Posted 03/07/2022

Panama’s  Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, (Cciap)  said Sunday “we celebrate the elimination of the mandatory use of the mask in closed spaces, but we are left with the questioning of the total lifting of the State of Emergency.”

President Cortizo did not announce when the state of emergency that governs the country will be completely lifted, despite the call made in this regard by several business associations and the re-elected president of the National Assembly, Crispiano Adames.

The Cciap also stated that the report failed to mention the specific plans in the areas of education, health, social security, institutions, and the economy.

Likewise, the Cciap described as "worrying" that President Cortizo did not address the reactivation of the dialogue table by the Social Security Fund, where the decisions that are made are "crucial" for the sustainability and future development of the nation and its citizens.

Other major absentees from the speech –according to the Chamber – were the progress in the actions to get out of the discriminatory lists, the fight against corruption and the promotion of transparency in both the public and private spheres. And, in economic matters, the Cciap pointed out that “we must become obsessed with the generation of jobs.

“In 730 days, we have several crucial challenges ahead of us, so we must focus and be strategic both in the use of resources and in actions,” the Chamber emphasized.


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Masks remain mandatory in health centers public transport and for food handlers


Posted 04/07/2022

The Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, clarified on Monday, July 4 that the mandatory use of the mask, to prevent the spread of covid-19 , will still apply in medical facilities, public transport and for those who handle food.

The clarification came after the last July 1 the report to the Nation when President Cortizo said that as of next Monday, July 11, the use of masks will not be mandatory in open and closed places.

“In health facilities, public transport and for food handlers, the use of the mask is permanently mandatory,” Sucre explained to the media on Monday. "In offices, both public and private, it will already be by choice," he pointed out.

Asked about the case of schools and other closed places where there are crowds, Sucre explained that everyone who has problems with the immune system or suffers from a chronic disease is recommended to wear a mask. The same suggestion is made for people 55 and older.

Sucre stressed that in the rest of the closed places it is recommended to increase ventilation and added that the mask should also be used in nursing homes.

“Each school will be able to make the decision on how mandatory it will make the use of masks for their children. The more agglomeration and less distancing, our recommendations become stronger. We recommend that children wear their masks if biosafety standards cannot be met,” he stressed.


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COVID-19: Eight deaths  1,106 new cases


Posted 12/07/2022

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported Monday 8 deaths and 1,106 new infections due to covid-19. Since the pandemic arrived in the country in March 2020, the Health authorities have registered of 8,307 deaths due to the new coronavirus. On Monday, 5,963 tests were applied with positivity of 18.5%. There are 21,621 active cases and 290 hospitalized of which 35 are in intensive care. COVID-19: Eight deaths  1,106 new cases


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COVID:  Fast-spreading BA.5 virus hits 22 countries in the Americas


Posted 13/07/2022

The BA.5 subvariant of Ómicron, which appears to spread faster than others, has been detected in at least 22 countries and territories in the Americas and is likely to become predominant, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) warned on Wednesday.

Last week,  1,562. 967 infections and 4,789 deaths were registered, a decrease of 0.9% in cases and 3.5% in deaths compared to the previous seven days, detailed  PAHO director, Carissa Etienne, in a virtual press conference.

Cases soared in Central America (+54.9%) and increased 2% in South America, while they decreased 5.2% in the Caribbean and 4.5% in North America, it added.

But "an increasing proportion of cases is being caused by the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 sublineages and this is generating new infections across the continent," she explained.

The BA.5 subvariant has been detected in at least 22 countries and territories and is likely to become predominant in all subregions in the coming weeks, estimates PAHO.

This virus "knows no borders," especially now that international travel has resumed, but vaccines "remain highly effective" against any of the subvariants in preventing serious illness or death.


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It's still a killer -17 Covid deaths in one week


Posted 25/07/2022

In the epidemiological week  July 13-23,  the Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported  17 deaths from covid-19 with  174 people hospitalized  144 in the wards and 30 of them in Intensive care units. A total of 38,320 tests were carried out with a 16.4%  positivity.


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Panama awaits combined Covid-influenza vaccine


Posted 05/08/2022

Panama is waiting for a combined vaccine that is currently being studied in the United States and that could be given to the population annually, to combat Covid-19 and influenza.

The announcement  came on Friday from the director of the National Secretariat for Science and Technology (Senacyt), Eduardo Ortega who said it could be ready between October and November of this year, and Panama would have access in the future.

Ortega stated that Panama is following up on the new drug with the advisory group of the Ministry of Health to make the decision, if necessary, to bring it to the country and apply it to the population.

He explained that there are laboratories that are combining both viruses in a single vaccine, so it is not necessary to inoculate twice.

He recommended that people who have not yet received the available vaccines do so to avoid serious illness and hospitalization.

He clarified that people who do not have the complete vaccine schedule will not be able to receive the combined vaccine.


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75% of covid hospitalizations have incomplete vaccinations


Posted 12/08/2022

The number hospitalized with covid-19 in Panama continues to reflect a high percentage of people who do not have a complete vaccination schedule, reports the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

The report was released Thursday, August 11, with data collected until July 30 and based on information from the Ministry of Health (Minsa) says that "75% of those hospitalized are over 60 years of age with an incomplete scheme of vaccination and with at least one chronic disease.

The international organization highlights that from Epidemiological Week 23 (June 5 to 11) to EW 30 (July 24 to 30) a sustained decrease in the ward hospitalizations is observed, with a reduction of 14.3%; On the other hand, for the same period, ICU/Semi-ICU admissions have remained more or less stable, with a relative decrease of 6.9%.

PAHO also notes that as of July 30, 1, there were 444 hospitalizations in the ward and 105 in the ICU/Semi-ICU, and when comparing these admissions with the current ones, a decrease of 70.3% and 70.5% is reflected in the respective services.

According to the latest report from Minsa, until August 6,  145 patients were hospitalized in the ward and 20 in the Intensive Care Unit.



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COVID-19:  6,470 new cases and 10 deaths


Posted 16/08/2022

The  Ministry of Health (Minsa)report on the situation of covid-19 in Panama, confirmed 6,470 new cases of covid-19 and 10 deaths in the epidemiological week, August 7 to 13. Four dates were recorded with at least 1,000 new infections. On Tuesday, August 9, the highest number occurred with 1,233 cases.

The highest number of deaths in one day also occurred on August 9 with four, according to the report.

The percentage of positivity was 15. Until August 13, the Minsa registered 8,551 active cases of covid-19; Of that number, 172 were hospitalized in the ward and 25 in the Intensive Care Unit.


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