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Panama and the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic. Omicron and beyond

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All articles about the Covid 19 prior to the identification of the Omicron variant can now be found here:

Message added by Moderator_03,

To see the latest information on Panama's Entry Requirements, the official site is

The information is also available as an easy to follow flow chart thanks to I Go Panama. The link to that is -

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Lack of empathy as thousands search for work


Informal workers struggle to survive.

Posted 26/12/2021

The stories of people –especially young people– looking for work in the private sector are devastating since in many cases they are professionals with university studies who, in return, receive job offers for salaries that are well below their expectations. There are more than 200 thousand jobs lost in the formal sector, while informality continues to explode. This reflects the real state of companies, struggling to survive, while the economy begins to recover. Undoubtedly, informality takes away important income from the State, so this impact also hits the Government, which, nevertheless, insists on maintaining a level of expenses that exceeds its income, for which it is forced to request credit to sustain it. completely ignoring the damage it has caused - and continues to cause - by the pandemic. As thousands upon thousands struggle to get food home and meet their daily expenses, the government engages in tax policy for the benefit of its elected officials. The irresponsibility and lack of empathy of this administration with its compatriots is simply unmatched. - LAPRENSA, Dec. 26.


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Coclé suspends dances and  will monitor beach activities


Posted 27/12/2021

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported on the afternoon of Monday, December 27, that due to the increase in cases of Covid-19 in Coclé, the decision was made to suspend dance activities and to regulate beach activities in the province on January 1

According to the Minsa, the  decision was made in coordination with the health authorities and the mayors of the six districts of the province reports La Prensa.

In addition, the security forces of the region were consulted to make the decision. "As of this date, all transitory dance activities are suspended, where a high public turnout was expected, since this puts the population at risk," said a Ministry  statement.

Likewise, the attendance of people to the beaches, rivers and spas in the province of Coclé will be regulated on January 1, 2022 and surveillance operations will be carried out, seeking  to prevent infections and the spread of the Covid-19 virus.


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Covid-19 vaccination has saved 3,600 lives in Panama


Rodrigo De Antonio

Posted 27/12/2021

Vaccination against Covid – 19 has saved 3,600 lives in Panama says epidemiologist and executive director of the Cevaxin Research Center, Rodrigo De Antonio, according to the latest estimate based on the model developed by Imperial College.

He added that while the end of the pandemic, is near, it will depend on the vaccination coverage that is achieved and the equitable access that can be had to vaccination in all countries of the world. The fear of Ómicron is due to the fact that it generates more cases in a short time, becoming a threat to the health system, he said.

After a month since the first case of Ómicron was detected in South Africa, the new variant is already found in more than 90 countries, including Panama.

The appearance of this new lineage is causing in several nations situations very similar to those experienced at the beginning of the pandemic, in 2020,

De Antonio was the architect of the projections of the coronavirus in Panama when the first cases began to register.

The appearance of the new lineage is causing in several nations situations very similar to those experienced at the beginning of the pandemic, in 2020, when isolates and other restrictive measures were dictated.

We currently have greater knowledge and tools for both the prevention and management of the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It will depend on each country and its population to use these tools in a timely manner.

Scientific evidence available to date suggests that Omicron may be more transmissible than Delta and that the incubation time is shorter, causing cases to double every 2 to 3 days. The symptoms appear to be very similar to each other, however preliminary evidence suggests that Ómicron appears to have high respiratory symptoms) associated with headaches and fatigue.

The original variant had a reproduction number of 2.5 (between two and three people were infected for each infected). For the Delta it has been estimated that it can be between five and six; While the information collected so far suggests that with the Ómicron lineage, up to 10 people or more can be infected.


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26  infected with omicron variant, 46 suspected


People are flocking to over 100 vaccination locations,

Posted 28/12/2021

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) announced on Tuesday, December 28, that it has detected 26 cases of Covid-19 with the Omicron variant in the country.

Of that number, 17 are new cases confirmed in the last hours. The average age of those infected ranges between 24 and 60 years, meanwhile, 46 other suspected cases of the variant - are under genomic analysis by the Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies.

The cases are in the health regions of Panama Metro, Panama Oeste and San Miguelito. They reside in the townships of Parque Lefevre, Pedregal, Betania, Pueblo Nuevo, Río Abajo, Bella Vista, and San Francisco, in Panama Metro. Those from San Miguelito live in Amelia Denis de Icaza and Victoriano Lorenzo, while those from Panama Oeste live in Punta Chame, Arraiján and Vista Alegre.

The Ministry of Health pointed out that none of the detected cases have required hospitalization and they are kept in isolation.

Given the appearance of new cases, the health authorities reiterated the call to the population to be vaccinated against Covid-19 in the more than 100 locations enabled in the country. In these points, the first, second dose, and the booster dose are placed in people, from 16 years of age.

The Minsa asked people to maintain the correct use of the mask, physical distancing, and constant hand washing as well as the face shield in public transport.

Health Minister Luis Francisco Sucre recalled that the premises that have organized activities on the occasion of the end of the year must comply with  the decree that establishes the rules for 100% and 50% of the capacity of the premises.

In both capacities, biosecurity measures are strictly observed, while in the 100% capacity, only people with a complete vaccination scheme against Covid-19 (two doses) can enter.


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1,534 new covid-19 infections - vaccination centers overloaded


Posted 28/12/2021

The Ministry of Health reported 1,354 new infections of Covid-19 on Tuesday, December 28.

In the last 24 hours, there were two deaths and one from a previous date is updated, for a cumulative of 7,421 deaths and a fatality of 1.5%, the report says.

12,350 tests were applied for positivity of 11%.

There are 7,858 active cases, of which 7,691 are in home isolation and 167 hospitalized. There are 147 people hospitalized in the ward and 20 in the intensive care unit.

Meanwhile, vaccination centers were overloaded.


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Covid-19 Quarantine cut to five days


Posted 29/12/2021

The Ministry of Health has announced the reduction of the quarantine time to five days for people who have contact with a positive case and a negative coronavirus test.

According to a measure published in the Official Gazette Tuesday, December 28, a person who has had contact with a positive case and presents or does not have symptoms of the disease should undergo a rapid antigen test after exposure and keep quarantine for 5 days from the date of contact. At the end of this period, another test must be performed; if it is negative, it will have completed its quarantine.

If the test is positive, you must remain in isolation for 10 more days. Previously, the quarantine was 14 days.

Authorities indicate that the infected person must remain with the use of a mask at home and maintain a distance from other people in their environment (family, work, and social). Also monitor your symptoms for 10 days.

Until, Monday, December 27, 6,946 active cases of Covid-19 were reported in the country.


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Doctors told to not use Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine for covid-19


  Posted 30/12/2021                                           

The executive director of Health Services and Benefits of the Social Security Fund (CSS), Alex González has told the institutional directors, hospitals, polyclinics and other care units of the entity to make sure that the health facility "does not prescribe" Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine for the management of patients with Covid-19.

"Clinical trials carried out in hospitalized and outpatients with Covid-19 did not determine therapeutic efficacy with the use of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin or reduction in mortality and severity of the disease and, until more data is available, the World Organization for Health recommends using this drug only in clinical trials ”, indicated González.

In the circular, it is noted that the use of these two products in particular has been associated with serious adverse events related to heart rhythm.

"In light of the available scientific evidence, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin should not be used for the treatment or prevention of Covid-19," the official said.

Ivermectin is a drug used in humans and animals. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved this drug in humans for head infections caused by some worms, parasites, and lice, as well as skin conditions such as rosacea.

Meanwhile, Hydroxychloroquine is also used to prevent and treat acute attacks of malaria; to treat discoid lupus erythematosus (a chronic inflammatory condition of the skin) or systemic lupus erythematosus (a chronic inflammatory condition of the body); and for rheumatoid arthritis in patients whose symptoms do not improve with other treatments.


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Mandatory vaccination still on the table

Posted 30/12/2021

The issue of compulsory vaccination "is being discussed," said Health Minister Luis Francisco Sucre on Thursday, December 30. He was speaking on TVN  following the administration Attorney's Office announcement that the Ministry of Health (Minsa) can order the extraordinary immunization actions that are necessary, "which will be mandatory for all residents of the Republic" of Panama, in response to a query made by Minister Sucre.

"The National Government and the Minsa are sufficiently clear and documented to be able to make the Covid-19 vaccine mandatory or not," Sucre said

He stated that the government of Laurentino Cortizo "is not taxable", so "we are doing all the work so that everyone has access to health." He specified that it is being discussed to what extent it is good to allow 35% of the population to have not yet been immunized. “It could be for accessibility. We are making efforts so that the vaccine reaches the entire country, "he added.

the official insisted that mandatory vaccination "is an issue on the table, we are going to continue discussing it." "But we do believe that the right of one ends where the right of the other begins," he said.

State of emergency
 Minister Sucre said that, in the Cabinet Council session yesterday, it was voted to lift the state of emergency, but only what has to do with the part of purchases and acquisitions.

“Let's remember, the country is in the middle of a pandemic. At this time, the only thing that was raised, by unanimous vote yesterday, is the acquisition and purchase of goods or services through the emergency system ”.

He stressed that "the country remains in an emergency situation, the world remains in an emergency situation." Therefore we must continue to handle ourselves that way," he said.

Through Cabinet Resolution 11 of March 13, 2020, the “national state of emergency was declared, as a consequence of Covid-19, The state of emergency has allowed the Executive to make multi-million dollar exceptional public contracts.


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Health Minister gets legal opinion on mandatory vaccination


Posted 30/12/2021

 The Ministry of Health (Minsa) could make vaccination mandatory for all residents of  Panama said the Administration Attorney, Rigoberto González , on Thursday, December 29, in response to a query from the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre.

On December 7, Sucre asked González about the need to have a legal instrument to support the mandatory nature of vaccination against Covid-19, in addition to Law 48 of 2007.

“We raise the query if another legal instrument is necessary to support the mandatory nature of [vaccination against Covid-19 ], wrote the minister.

While recognizing that the Minsa can order mandatory immunization actions for the population, the prosecutor warned that these processes must be carried out “ with absolute respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of the people, especially the right to life and personal integrity, and must be proportional and consistent with the risks to public health in question ”.

The attorney pointed out that these extraordinary measures must respond to a specific situation of imminent risk to health,  and be justified and based on evidence and scientific principles.

" Additionally, any measure that involves preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention, must have the prior, free and informed consent of the person to whom it should be practiced, based on the appropriate information for each case, and the person may revoke said consent at any time, without generating reprisals of any kind, "noted the attorney in the reply to the minister.

In his note, the attorney makes reference to the Constitution, the Health Code, the organic law of the Minsa, laws 68 of 2003 and 48 of 2007, and several international agreements signed by the Republic of Panama, such as the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Rights Human Rights and the American Convention on Human Rights.

It also cites a statement by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, who referred to the mandatory nature of vaccines. Bachelet indicated that although mandatory vaccination is not prohibited, there are limits on when and how they should be applied.

Law 48 of 2007 establishes as a health measure of special attention, vaccination against immunopreventable diseases. " This vaccination process will be mandatory throughout the national territory," says Article 1.

The same law, in its article 10, adds that residents of the national territory, without distinction of religion or race, " have the obligation to keep their vaccination status updated, to keep their vaccination card and to present it when required ".

Likewise, " the Minister of Health is empowered, when he considers that the health of the population is at risk, to order the extraordinary immunization actions that are necessary, which will be mandatory for all residents of the Republic, " indicates the article 14 of Law 48.

Previously, the Public Prosecutor's Office had already attended a similar query from the Minsa, about the possibility of establishing the mandatory nature of swab tests, which detect the presence of the coronavirus, and the response was similar .


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Controversial  drugs  withdrawn  from covid health kits


Posted 31/12/2021

 Health Minister Luis Francisco Sucre, reports that in August ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were withdrawn as drugs for the management of patients with Covid-19 after the arrival of vaccines against as the "most important tool to combat the disease."

He explained that a team of specialist doctors from different branches who developed the protocol for the care of patients with Covid-19 determined to remove those two drugs from the "Protect yourself Panama" kit which was provided to patients.

"Medical studies on ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are still not robust and in the middle of a platform still under discussion ... and with the appearance of the vaccine, there is no reason to continue with the proposals for these two drugs," Sucre said.

He recalled that at the beginning of the pandemic, and in the absence of vaccines, hydroxychloroquine was one of the first drugs that emerged with the greatest probability to combat the disease, but then the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization recommended  not use them, since "they did not prevent the death of patients with Covid-19."

Sucre indicated that the Minsa continues to buy hydroxychloroquine because "it is a medicine that is used for the treatment of other diseases related to collective tissue and for malaria."

However, he warned that studies have confirmed that the prolonged use of hydroxychloroquine in patients for the treatment of autoimmune diseases causes "alteration of the heart rhythm, when it is prescribed for four or five days for patients with Covid-19."

A report from the Directorate of Medicines and Supplies for Health of the Minsa indicates that in the third purchase in the joint Minsa-CSS table, in April 2021, 1 million ivermectin tablets and 3 million acetaminophen tablets were purchased for the Protect yourself Panama kits.

The MCM company won the tender for $310,000.


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Free Covid-19 swab centers open on Jan. 1


Posted 31/12/2021

The swab centers to detect Covid-19 cases will be enabled on January 1, the Ministry of Health reported.

"We will be performing swabs today, December 31 and tomorrow, January 1, to anyone with suspicious symptoms of the virus from 7:00 am to 1:00 pm," reported Esmeralda Martínez, national coordinating physician for swab samples.

She explained that they will serve the public according to the capacity of samples that can be sent to the Gorgas Memorial Institute.

She also said that tests are not being carried out to detect Covid-19 for travelers, since "the priority is the asymptomatic, close contact and any person who feels bad or has symptoms related to the virus."

"We have made up to 500 samples in this fast car of Emilio Royo, for this reason, we need Panamanians to take a defensive attitude, to take care of the family, use the mask and screens and avoid crowds," added Martínez.

He added that swabs are taken at the Rod Carew Stadium, at the Emilio Royo de Juan Díaz, in the health centers of the Ministry of Health and "they are free."

On Sunday, January 2, they will attend regular hours.


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Police and health officials in dawn raid on Chill Out club


Posted 31/12/2021

The National Police and MINSA emptied the Chill Out Nightclub of hundreds of people in Anclas Mall, in La Chorrera at dawn on December 3.

The place was crowded and people were waiting to enter and, according to the authorities, e biosecurity measures were not being followed, nor the corresponding capacity.

They indicate that there was no distancing and some did not wear or use the mandatory mask required since the beginning of the pandemic.

The Health authorities confirmed that there are already 46 cases of omicron reported in Panama, while the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, confirmed that the transmission of this new variant of covid-19

in the country is already of a community nature, so it will spread more quickly.

He warned that under the circumstances, it is not recommended, for the moment, to go to places with an agglomeration of people and it is preferable to spend the New Year's holiday with your home bubble.

In addition, Sucre confirmed that we are already in the fourth wave of the pandemic. In fact, in the last few hours, 25,679 tests were applied for a rising positivity of 10.3%.

On Thursday the number of infected soared to 2,466, something not seen since the wave of infections last December.


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COVID-19:  12,868 Active Cases

Posted 01/01/2022

New covid-19 infections zoomed  2,213 on Friday, December 31, raising active cases to 12,868

Reports the Ministry of Health (Minsa).

There are  148  hospitalized in wards and 25 in ICU.

From March 9, 2020 to date, the pandemic has accumulated 495,920 infected by the disease and

7,428 have died.

The lethality of the virus remains at 1.5% nationwide. 21,282 tests were applied Friday with positivity of 10.4%.

In the world, there are 286,977,798 accumulated confirmed cases of Covid-19 and 5,448,557 deaths for a fatality of 2%.


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Back-to-school jabs outweigh Carnival


Posted 02/01/2022

Panama is waiting for the anticovid vaccine for children  5 years of age and older, which is expected to be available before the start of the 2022 school year said Health Minister Luis Francisco Sucre on Sunday, January 2.

" Panama is on the list to promptly receive vaccines for children 5 years of age and older. As soon as they give us the date, you will know. We will not delay long, before the school year begins we must have it " Sucre told the media after his arrival at the National Assembly.

"Children have the right to be vaccinated, the National Government and the Ministry of Health have the responsibility to cover the entire population, give them health, and above all protect their lives," said the doctor.

As a father, as soon as we have access I will vaccinate my daughter who is 8 years old. It is the only way and I think it is the best way to show love and affection to our children, we cannot put them at risk. 90% of the deceased are people who have not been vaccinated. In other countries, there are already children, who have been infected with omicron and who are hospitalized. So far in Panama, they have not reported cases of children hospitalized by omicron.

Questioned about carnivals  Sucre said: “There will be a lot of time to celebrate them. But the education of our children is important: it is the first topic we have to wait and see. "


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Omicron surge - but no new restrictions


Posted 02/01/2022

 Health, Minister Luis Francisco Sucre, confirmed on Sunday morning, January 2, that in spite of the surge in cases of the omicron variant of covid-19  and the increase in intensive care admissions no restriction measures are contemplated.

He said that despite the increase from 20 to 35 patients in intensive care units (ICU), there is still no unrest in the country.

"We regret that patients with Covid-19 arrive at the ICU, however, we are still taking everything quite calmly," he emphasized and there is not really a reason to establish restriction measures in the country. "I think we should handle ourselves as we are ... and continue to take care of each other."

Regarding the cases of patients with the Omicron variant, Sucre indicated that currently 45 cases have been confirmed but there are another 90 cases awaiting confirmation.

The minister said that is already community transmission of Omicron.


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New Year opens with 14,363 cases of covid-19


Posted 02/01/2022

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) revealed on Saturday, January 1, that in the last 24 hours 1,888 new infections of Covid-19 were registered, bringing the total of active cases to14,363.

14,778 tests were applied with a positivity percentage of 12.8%.

There were two deaths, for a cumulative total of 7,430 and a fatality of 1.5%.

 There are 188 hospitalized patients, 153 are in the ward, and 35 are in ICU (10 more than Friday).

According to the Minsa, the townships with the most positive cases are San Francisco with 145, Betania with 89, Bella Vista with 75, Juan Díaz with 72, and Ancón with 67, all located in the capital.


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First doses of  vaccine for 5-11 year-olds arrive in Panama


Posted 03/01/2022

The first 60,000 doses, of the Pfizer pediatric vaccine from Belgium, arrived at  Tocumen International Airport on Sunday and will be applied to children from 5 to 11 years old with chronic diseases and immunosuppressed patients said the Deputy Minister of Health, Ivette Berrío.

The Panamanian government bought a total of 1.5 million pediatric doses from the pharmaceutical company.

This year, the Ministry of Education is scheduled to return to face-to-face classes, so it is necessary to vaccinate the population that is needed, said Berrío.

She said that on Monday, the Operation PanavaC-19 team will meet to coordinate how and where the vaccination day for children will take place.

Last year the target population to be vaccinated was 12 years and older.

The pediatric infectologist, Javier Nieto Guevara published on his Twitter account that vaccination in children between 5 and 11 years old against covid -19 is the most effective strategy in preventing hospitalizations or complications associated with Covid-19. He said that 9 million doses have been applied in the United States, demonstrating an acceptable safety profile.


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Vaccinations  slash covid deaths and hospitalizations despite misinformation

Posted 03/01/2022

Vaccination against the Covid-19 disease managed to favorably impact the management of the pandemic, marking the difference between December 2020 and 2021 in hospitalizations, deaths, cases, among other indicators.

This is shown by the epidemiological data of the Minsa, according to which 2021 closed with 173 hospitalized patients (148 in the ward and 25 in intensive care units or ICU), which represents 92.41% less hospitalized than in 2020 when there were  2,279 (2,077 in ward and 202 in ICU). In other words, the risk of serious illness from Covid-19 has been reduced.

Figures released by the Minsa show that in December 2021 there were 63 deaths from  covid-19, 93.32% less than in 2020 when deaths totaled 943.

Unvaccinated deaths
The health authorities point out that 88.2% of the people who died from Covid-19 from February to December 31 of last year, did not have the complete vaccination scheme.

2021, 18,178 cases were registered, that is, 62,806 (77%) fewer cases than in the same month of 2020, when 80. 984 were reported.

Coverage of the target population to be vaccinated, over 12 years of age, reached 90% with first doses and 81.4% with second doses.

Paulino Vigil De Gracia, the researcher of the National Research System of the National Secretariat of Science, Technology, and Innovation, stated that the fourth wave of Covid-19 cases facing the country is being navigated very differently, thanks to vaccination and measures of biosafety such as the use of masks.

The researcher recalled that the main objective of vaccines is to avoid hospitalizations and deaths.

The pediatrician, infectologist and clinical researcher Xavier Sáez-Llorens, says that Panama has carried out the vaccination process very well.

For Sáez-Llorens, the good aspects of the process are: the acceptance of the citizenship to the vaccination, the great availability of doses, the quality of the vaccines acquired, the logistics of the Expanded Program of Immunization,  and the sacrifice of the vaccinating personnel.

The ugly
In addition, he described as "ugly" the corruption during the pandemic, the misinformation generated by the anti-vaxxers, and the use of ineffective and potentially toxic medicines by the Minsa.


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Fourth covid vaccine jab increases antibodies five times – Israeli study


Posted 04/01/2022

The application of the fourth dose of vaccine against the coronavirus is "safe" and produces five times the antibodies, said Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Tuesday, when visiting a hospital that carried out a study on the matter.

Bennet said that administering the fourth dose to 154 employees at Sheba Hospital, near Tel Aviv, demonstrated that the procedure "works."

"One week after the fourth dose, we know with a high level of certainty that the fourth dose is safe," he said with Professor Galia Rahav, head of Sheba's infectious diseases unit and director of the study.

"One week after the administration of the fourth dose, we observed that the number of antibodies in the vaccinated person quintupled," he added.

"This probably means a significant increase in protection against infection and against hospitalization and severe symptoms," he continued, noting that the center will publish its findings shortly.

On Friday, Israel began administering the fourth vaccine to people with weak immunity and on Monday it expanded this measure to health workers and people over 60, becoming one of the first countries to do so.

The country has registered more than 1.4 million cases of Covid-19 infection, including 8,247 deaths


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Translation of article from Puro Periodismo. Link to the original is given at the end


Chiriqui: 700 new cases of COVID-19 in one week, 991 active cases

Posted 04 January 2022

The province of Chiriqui is close to registering a thousand active cases of COVID-19, after 774 new infections were detected in one week, which increases the number of patients currently infected to 991, of which 27 are hospitalised, 21 in the shelter and another 943 in home quarantine.

In the last hours this region reported 222 new cases of SarsCov-2 infections after having carried out 1,586 swab tests among all health posts and fixed swabbing points at the provincial level.

Last week there were only 59,055 cases and this week the cumulative number of infections has reached 59,829 people, of whom 895 have died and 13 have recovered in the last hours.



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Booster jab needed to complete vaccination plan


Posted 05/01/2022

Health authorities announced Wednesday that the application of the third dose against Covid-19 will be considered within the complete vaccination scheme.

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) confirmed that after discussion with the PanavaC-19 team, vaccine experts, and the prior authorization of President Laurentino Cortizo, it was agreed to include the third dose as part of the complete immunization cycle against the new coronavirus.

The new provision will enter into force when it is published by Executive Decree reports La Prensa.

Currently, in the activities that are developed with the massive participation of the public, people are required to present the QR Code with the confirmation that they have received two doses against Covid-19.

According to the latest Minsa report, since the immunization against the virus began in January 2021, 6,342, 319 doses have been applied against Covid-19.

Of that total, 3,126 215 are first doses, 2,811,906 second doses, and 404,198 third doses or boosters.


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New covid-19 infections soar to 4,372


There are 34 patients in ICU.

Posted 05/01/2022

At the close of Wednesday, January 5, Panama’s  Health Ministry (Minsa) reported that there were no deaths from covid- 19  but new infections soared to 4,372 bringing the total of active cases to 22,352 with 246 hospitalized (212 in wards and 34 in ICU.)

Those who are in isolation are divided into 21,859 at home and 247 in hotels.

This Wednesday 21,991 tests were applied for positivity of 20%.


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Omicron forecast to be dominant covid strain by month-end


Posted 05/01/2022

The number of cases of the omicron variant of covid-19  in Panama doubles every two or three days and will replace  delta as  the dominant strain by the end of the month but the positive impact of vaccination is apparent say health experts,

The last epidemiological week of 2021 (December 26 to January 1), 10,604 new cases of the Covid-19 disease were confirmed , 6,063 more infections than those recorded in the previous week

Epidemiological reports from the Ministry of Health (Minsa) , show that those hospitalized in the ward and intensive care units totaled 188, that is, 23 more than the previous week.

Although hospitalizations in the ward and intensive care units increased, the positive impact of vaccination is evident, because for the last week of 2020 - a total of 2,279 patients were hospitalized in the ward and in ICU.

The acceleration of Covid-19 cases in the country coincided with the arrival of  omicron and the Christmas and New Year holidays.

The infectologist, pediatrician and clinical researcher Xavier Sáez-Llorens, said that every two to three days the number of new cases infected by omicron doubles.

An example that new cases of Covid-19 with the Omicron variant are doubled is evident with the figures reported by the Minsa, since Panama reported 977 new infections of Covid-19 on January 2, of which 55 corresponded to the Omicron variant.

The first case with this lineage was reported on December 19 and until December 24 there are already nine and 17 under investigation, by the Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies (Icges).

He added that without a doubt before the end of January, the Omicron variant will be predominant and will potentially displace the Delta.


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Maritime Authority gives all seafarers access to covid jabs

Posted 06/01/2022

Access to Covid-19 vaccine) will be provided by the Panama Maritime Authority (AMP) to both local seafarers as well as any nationality, who are on board ships belonging to the Registry of Ships of Panama and those registered with other flags that arrive at ports in the country. 

“To make this mass vaccination of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd doses possible, the AMP is working hand in hand with the Ministry of Health. We urge the different shipping agencies to contact us in order to carry out the coordination to be able to support seafarers who wish to be vaccinated, immunizing them is essential in the global fight against Covid-19 ".

On Thursday, vaccines were applied in Flamenco Marina and the port of Bahía Las Minas and in the port of Cristóbal (located in the province of Colón) managing to vaccinate more than 130 seafarers of which around 100 received their booster dose and the rest their first doses. The entity called on more governments to act urgently as Panama is doing, in addition, with this action we comply with the guidelines of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) by protecting and helping our key workers as in the ports of the world, the vaccination card or passport is being requested to carry out crew changes It is important to highlight that we are the pioneers in the region by opening vaccination to seafarers regardless of their nationality and the flag of their Registry.


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