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Milk: Collection Centers in Panama

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Milk: Collection Centers in Panama

Local producers in partnership with Nestlé are working on the installation of seven new grade C milk cooling centers, to be in the central provinces and Chiriqui.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The first of the centers, which plans to collect 2,500 liters of milk per day, was installed in El Cañafístulo, in Los Santos. It was also reported that in the coming weeks will begin operations another site in the same province, but this will be in Pedasi.

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David Mendoza, technical director of Nestlé Central America, explained to Prensa.com that "... This new collection system will improve the bacteriological quality of the milk and will reduce the time interval between milking and cooling."

Mendoza added that "... The goal of strengthening the logistics and collection of milk is because it improves the quality of the product. The concept is that, instead of having large collection centers, cooling centers will now be set up closer to production areas."

According to reports from CentralAmericaData, from January to September 2018 the main exporter of milk and dairy products to Central American countries continued to be Nicaragua, with $99 million, followed by Costa Rica, with $91 million, El Salvador and Honduras, with $19 million each, Panama with $9 million and Guatemala, with $1.3 million.



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