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  1. The Art of Unwinding from the Inside Out Are you allowing your body to regenerate as efficiently as is possible? The following symptoms may indicate you could benefit from the gentle unwinding process I teach: Your feet and ankles ache or feel tender after a short walk. You have difficulty getting up from a chair, bed or the car. You are putting more weight on one side of a foot, not stepping evenly. You are stumbling or unsteady when walking. Your back, knees, shoulders or neck hurt most of the time. Your knees hurt too much after a yoga class or standing in line. You reach for pain medicine often. You visit chiropractors and massage therapists often, but don’t experience lasting relief. Better Body Balance Coaching lessons are an integration of various psychophysical methods like the Alexander Technique, the Feldenkrais Method, Tai Chi Chuan and Rubenfeld Synergy. All these methods help restore the flow of energy and information in the body to facilitate lasting healing and improved body balance. To assess whether or not this coaching modality can help you, request a free evaluation at: gbvdco@gmail.com or call Gilberto at 6678-3297. Currently I am offering group lessons on Mondays and Thursdays at 9:00 am.You can also create a private group with a minimum of three persons at a time convenient for you and your friends.Also you may need private coaching lessons to address specific unbalances. Fees:For one group lesson: $10.0For 8 consecutive group lessons: $65.0 (over two month period).Private lessons: to be discussed after your initial assessment. Assessment to help you decide whether or not these methods may work for you is free. All you need to do is book an appointment at: Book a free assessment (or respond to this email). Location: BodyMind Dojo Respectfully yours, Gilberto Barria VallarinoBetter Body BalanceBodyMind Dojo http://www.bodyminddojo.weebly.comhttp://posturadinamica.weebly.com"Do less, be more"
  2. PLEASE NOTE: No Meeting & no market on Tuesday, Nov. 3 (Panama Independence Day) Your $1 admission helps us keep the doors open Our Meeting Schedule – 10:30 in the BCP Theater Tuesday, October 20 – Beyond sustainability to Abundance - all beginning in our own back yards and farms Building ecological, abundant systems on your land: Strategies in the fields of Permaculture. Ethics, principles, strategies and tool kits in the large umbrella of permaculture.. What we need to know about being a permanent, restorative culture? How can we benefit from Permanent Agriculture or Restoration Agriculture to avoid pesticides, fire, drought, and food scarcity? How can proper Earthworks avoid flooding? How can we produce zero waste to maintain a beautiful pristine nature in the face of increasing population??? Kelly Ware has been involved in permaculture for 21 years. She received her Permaculture Design Certificate in Basalt, Colorado at the Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Center. She has studied Large-scale farm permaculture at Versaland in Iowa and has spoken at several convergences and conferences of an intro to permaculture: She is part of the Permaculture Voices network and a founding member of PermaEthos of the Survival Podcast. She is moving to Boquete to consult on eco-settlements. She offers online classes in Profitable Urban farming, PDC by Geoff Lawton, Plant Propagation, micro greens, and more. Tuesday, October 27 – Lloyd Cripe, “the weatherman” talks about the micro-climates andweather in the Boquete area and how it has changed. Tuesday, Nov. 3 – Panama Independence Day; no meeting Tuesday, Nov. 10 – Being Prepared in Panama. A presentation by Boquete Hospice. "Being Prepared" The recent sudden, unexpected illnesses and deaths of several of our community members have brought to mind how quickly things change and leave our control. Hospice explains the paper work, legal documents and procedures necessary in Panama for an illness or death to be handled the way you would want with a minimum amount of stress for the person trying to see that your wishes are followed. Many people seem to believe that because they have their affairs in order in their country of origin that those papers will carry over to Panama. Absolutely not! Things are different. Paperwork is different. Laws are different. Tuesday, Nov. 17 – Rodny Moreno discuses his new business Rodny Direct. Tuesday, Nov. 24 – Penny Ripple presents “Trips around Panama”. Penny has assembled a panel of experts with knowledge about different destinations to explore in Panama: Randy Hilarski - VIP Tours Panama - Colon, Gatun, Gamboa Amy Bennett - Portebelo Tours - Portebelo & Isla Grande Debbie Fishell - Visit Puerto Aurmelles - Puerto Aurmelles & Frontera Patricio Ortiz - Bocas del Toro, Taboga, Contadora Penny Ripple - San Blas, Boca Chica, Volcan/Cerro Punta, El Valle/Coronado Tuesday, Dec. 1 – Kevin Reilly talks about the health benefits of Tai Chi. He has more than 30 years of experience in Martial Arts and has been teaching Tai Chi here in Boquete and David for the past 2 years. He will talk a little about Tai Chi . . . he and his students will demonstrate the most practiced form in the world. . .and there will be time for questions and discussion. Tuesday, Dec. 8 – Thomas McCormack speaks on Panamanian myths, folklore, legends, and wives’ tales.. Tuesday, Dec. 15 -- Elizabeth Farrell de Rios presents "A Caffeinated History of Boquete" Tuesday, Dec. 22 – Travis Taliaferro, owner of Panama’s number one drone company tells us all about drones. www.thepanamadrones.com Tuesday, Jan. 12 – Jose Arias of Memorial Group will talk about the new private cemetery and crematorium service in David. Memorial Group has a 15 year history in Panama offering burial, funeral, memorial, and crematory services. . . To suggest a speaker or topic for these meetings please email BCP Tuesday Meeting To become a vendor at the Tuesday market, email Elena Serracin
  3. For those who didn’t catch the result of a water study (see chart below) for alto Boquete and Oriana, there are coliform fecal matter in the water. I have heard that there is a new water system on the horizon, however I’m not sure the mayor or citizens know the extent of the dangers of the Boquete water in general. People new to the area need to be very careful not to drink unfiltered water. Boquete is painted as a haven, but with the crime, the parasites, and insane driving, it feels more like a nightmare, (sorry realtors…). My son has been almost deathly ill for 4+ weeks with giardia, he is 8 yrs old, and has lost more weight and muscle tone then a little boy should ever have to. He is emaciated and has intestinal obstruction because of the parasite that also blocks absorption of iron and other . He has been through Flagyl an antibiotic treatment and now, after visiting the hospital last night, will go through another broad spectrum anti-parasitic. The doctor told me that he sees many children from Boquete with giardia. A whole group of women dining at a local restaurant last year came down with giardia and amebic disentary. Please use filtered water and don’t drink or give your kids water from the Boquete area. Santa Lucia area in Volcancito has very dirty water. Be careful on raw salads too. Some here take an anti parasitic each 6 months just to be cautionary. (the Doc recommends testing often instead). Please let me know if you or a loved one or friend has suffered with a water born illness here. I am going to talk with the mayor, or the department of health next week and I let them know what is happening amongst the foreigners, and find out what plans and timelines for addressing the situation is. I will inform you of any updates to this information. Other problems in certain residential areas are water shortages in the dry season. Please ask before you rent or buy in these areas and message me if you know what areas have this problem. I have heard Palmira has problems? (arriba or abajo?) Please consider rainwater capturing solutions with filters, purchasing an extra tank for shortage resiliency. Carry your filtered water hydroflasks to restaurants, especially for the young and elderly. If you have a stomach upset, immediately send a stool sample to the lab (up from Romero’s) to find out if it is a parasite! it is only $3. A visit to Dr Gomez is $10. Early detection and treatment of Giardia is essential to avoid potential lifelong consequences. Parasites are nothing to talk lightly as they can more to organs and the brain and cause lifelong damage or death. They are tenacious and hard to get rid of, dietary changes, vitamin and mineral supplementation and herbal and pharmaceutical medicine will all be NECESSARY to treat effectively if possible. my # is 63055936 to call with questions or comments, Hablo español tambien. Or respond by email. by Tuesday. Thank you for your help.
  4. Be sure to meet and talk with Rodny this Thursday from 12:30 to 4PM on the Third Floor of the Boquete Library! www.rodnydirect.com
  5. Come one come all. Experts and Neophytes .. At "BCP Games Time" you will have engaging and tricky challenges. Just Fun! No Strain…we promise. Please "Come Play with Us". Friday Oct. 16th 4:00-6:0. The Bar with our Charmers, Tammy and Joanne.. will be Open!
  6. You can still be a vendor at Saturday's flea market at Chiriqui Storage. Email chiriquistorage@gmail.com today and sell your stuff tomorrow. We're growing every month with the new Saturday market. We've got about 16 current vendors this month including Betty with her plants and sweet potatos, Lucy with smoothies and coffee drinks, Penny with her Berard's all-beef hot dogs still only a dollar. Also selling books from Irene's estate. Buyers -- come by for incredible deals and fun. Gates open at 10 AM and close at 1 PM. Free admission, free parking. Chiriqui Storage is located 1.5 km north of the Dolega Terpel gas station.
  7. Many of you expressed disappointment at missing Martine's Tuesday Talk on marriage and probate in Panama. Others would like to meet Rodny and still others missed the Dr. Sleepwell talk at BCP. So we have organized a casual and informative afternoon at the Library: Admission is $1 going to the Library
  8. Free intro class jam packed with information! I have great news for you! Tons of Solutions! You have moved here, Now what? Here’s a game plan to get together and make a lot of positive differences, build ecology while meeting needs affordably! An awesome presentation: Design for Abundance with Permaculture, Tuesday, Oct 20th at the BCP, 10:30. This is an intro to the many ways we can re-skill quickly in hundreds of ethical, principle-centered, money-making, eco friendly, community building, future-feeding, networking, relocalizing, creative ways. Kelly will present on methods, strategies, and techniques, species, along with biological information about intelligent design of everything from our kitchen sink to the large scale farms and from cooperatives of local farmers, to local trade currency. Wisdom of the ages with latest technology in earth shaping, natural building, natural heating/cooling/drying/cooking, solutions in protection from flood, drought, fire, famine, and unwanted entry through species for food, fodder, fuel, medicines, building, windbreaks, etc. Stack functions with all elements in the system. Do you want the new/old paradigm in living and stewardship? Free yourself of the tribulations of multinational systems (ei “the World”) and damaging practices. Then follow me through an intelligent, informational, and creative flowing presentation Come early to chat and let me know what part of they great new future you or your contacts might be a part of. (bring cards and information of products and services). If you want to study worldwide projects to help you form better questions at the talk please watch at least the first of all the 6-17 min videos by www.GeoffLawton.com “How to Survive the Upcoming Crisis” http://geofflawton.com/videos/surviving-collapse-designing-way-abundance/ and watch Green Gold on you tube by John D Liu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBLZmwlPa8APodcasts: PermacultureVoices, www.thepermaculturepodcast.com, www.thesurvivalpodcast.com. That should wet your whistle! Feed yourself on solutions rather than bad news and distractions! You’ll have exciting dreams and moments of pure inspiration and creativity!! Bring all your plant loving friends, resort and landowners, gardeners, etc. I am happy to present this course in Spanish anytime! Full series of design in depth courses available. for more info call Kelly Ware 6305-5936.scences. Bring a Notebook and extra pens/paper for others!
  9. Since moving to Panama, have you found yourself desperately needing someone who knows Spanish and understands the Latino culture? Perhaps you’re experiencing that right now! It may be a feud with a neighbor, an important business deal, a meeting with a government official, a parent/teacher conference, a medical consultation, or any of a host of other situations. If so, please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Darrell Eash, a recent transplant from Colorado Springs. Now I realize that name sounds quite Anglo-Saxon. However, what you don’t know about me is that I was born in Venezuela and grew up there until I moved to the U.S. for college. So yes, I’m quite fluent in Spanish, having learned both languages as a child. Additionally, my 27 years as a radio/TV producer have been spent entirely among Latinos. I’ve traveled to all but four Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America, many of them multiple times, and lived in Costa Rica for a while. My move to Boquete a couple of months ago with my family was the culmination of five previous visits to this wonderful country. Whether by chance or by choice, I’ve already had the opportunity to be the “go-between” in a number of encounters between Gringos and Panamanians. These situations have included a land purchase, a computer repair, a school visit, a wifi hotspot purchase, and even a potential arrest and vehicle impounding! So it got me thinking that maybe I should offer to help the wider expat community here in Boquete. Here’s what I’m willing to do. If you have a need to communicate with a local Spanish-speaker, just give me a call or send me a WhatsApp message at 6587-7167. Depending on the nature of the request, my assistance could be free of charge or might require a reasonable fee for my time and expertise. Either way, I think you’ll be happy with how much easier things work out for you. Solutions will come quicker and misunderstandings will be minimized, simply because I can speak to each party not only in their native tongue, but in the language of their heart. Good communication is the key to getting things done. Don’t leave it to chance!
  10. TVChiriqui.com is pleased to announce the posting of the Video of the October 9, 2015 Potrerillos Community Meeting. The video can be viewed at:www.TVChiriqui.com (Videos Generales)www.RodnyDirect.comwww.BoqueteAlcalde.com (Videos – Mas Videos Espectaculares) We hope that you find our productions both interesting and informative. TV Chiriqui
  11. Greetings to all, My name is Whip Whipple. My family of four (wife Kelly and 2 boys, Zack, 10, and Dane, 8) has recently relocated here to Boquete. We have been enjoying the magnificent climate and the warm welcome of our fellow Americans and our Panamanian hosts here in this country. Thank you for helping us adjust to the “new normal” in our life! I have been a chiropractor for the last 16 years in Montana. It is both my calling and my passion. I love what I do and am filled with gratitude that God has gifted me with the ability to help others through this discipline. While my main priority is creating a new life/adventure for my family at this time, I would like to offer to anyone in need my services on a completely free basis. Yes, that’s right…completely free. This is my way of paying it forward. I was educated at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa and use both hands on manual adjusting as well as using a small adjusting tool called the arthrostim (I call it my chiropractic jackhammer). I favor a gentle touch and approach and if you have any issues with decreased bone density or osteoporosis I can help you without risk by using only the arthrostim adjusting tool. I also do a bit of soft tissue trigger point therapy when indicated. To be clear, I am not interested in having a busy practice like I did in the states. I have my adjusting table in my house and I do this to meet more of my new neighbors and create relationship with you. I may or may not be available depending upon what’s happening on any given day. However, I have a service oriented heart and if I can help you enjoy life more, please don’t hesitate to call me. My number is 6241-3582 and I look forward to meeting you... even if you don’t need an adjustment! Warmest Regards, Whip Whipple
  12. BOQUETE PHOTOGRAFIA CLUB MEETING Photo club meeting, Thursday, October 15th, at the Boquete Library on “festival and street photography” by our club member Mark Heyer, preparing you to be ready for any shot in the upcoming “Mes de Patria”, this november when Boquete will be a display of panamanian culture. Please bring 5 pictures of your street/event photography for critiquing and tips on how to be prepared during events like the ones in November. Club member Bernie Verhoeven will have a showing of her portfolio. The Boquete PhotoGrafia Club has meetings the first and third Thursday of the month. Anyone with an interest in photography is welcome to come to a meeting as a guest a fee of $3.00 supports the club and the library). Boquete Photografia is a photo club that has been organized by a group of enthousiastic photographers in the Boquete area. We welcome and encourage people, who have an interest in photography and desire to to enhance their personal skills, to join. The club offers a forum for sharing knowledge and skills through meetings and organized photo shoots, as well as providing opportunities to exhibit work at public events to promote the art of photography. For further information about the club or to attend a meeting, contact: boquetephotografia@gmail.com Come and join and support the Art of Photography in Chiriqui
  13. GrayRiver Farms Plant Sale at Chiriqui Storage Flea Market will be on Saturday, Oct 17, 2015 10:00am until 12:30pm, Go 1.5km passed the Dolega Y going toward Boquete. Or special this month is Beauregard Sweet potatoes at $2 per pound. Please pre-order so that we may be ready for you. grayriverfarms@yahoo.com In StockGRAYRIVER PLANTS FOR Oct 17th 2015price each grayriverfarms@yahoo.com Trees JOY PERFUME TREE$100 Hass Avocado Trees (grafted)$32 Moringa Trees$6 Ylang ylang Trees$12 Dwarf Eureka Lemon Trees with fruit$40 Eureka Lemon Trees (grafted)$20 Persian Limes (grafted)$20 Ruby Red Grapefruit$20 Calamondin Orange Trees$30 Washington Navel Oranges (grafted)$10 Kumquat Trees (grafted)$20 Cinnamon trees ( 3ft. Tall)$10Spanish Fan Palms$25 Phoenix Palms$15 Foxtail Palms$40 African Tulip Trees (Spathodea campanulate) 5 ft. tall$10 Crape Myrtle Tree pink$10 Bauhinia varigata alba (orchid tree, white with pink freckles)$15 Bushes Hybiscus (large pink flowers)$5 Blooming Dwarf Gardenias$10 Cape Honeysuckle Bush orange$6 Jasminum officinale, fragrant, Persian-gift from God)$6 Japanese Mock Orange (fragrant)$15 Jasmine vines$6 Perennials Canna dwarf red, bronze-leaf red, white,pink , each stem $2 Canna tall red, salmon, orange, each stem is$2 Bronze leaf Begonia with pink flowers$5 Ground covers Dichondra silver falls$2 Purslane white morning star$3 Annuals Dwarf licorce (Helichrysum silver )$6 Jicama plants$4 Dill large plants$4 Rosemary large plants$4 Sage large plants$4 Mexican tarragon$4 Anise large plant$4 Broad-leafed or Purple-leafed basil$2 Polka dot plants$2
  14. Come one come all. Experts and Neophytes .. At "BCP Games Time" you will have engaging and tricky challenges. Just Fun! No Strain…we promise. Please "Come Play with Us". Friday Oct. 16th 4:00-6:0. The Bar with our Charmers, Tammy and Joanne.. will be Open!
  15. Dear Boquete community: Our last scheduled sale of the year will be held on Saturday October the 31 first. For this we are asking for your donations on all house items and clothes in good conditions. You can bring them to the Tuesday Market or to our building in Alto Boquete. We are also looking for books donations for our sale. We are taking donations until October 25th. Thank you. Rodny Moreno.
  16. Sunday brunch at Zum Ensleander Restaurant on October 18 Plaza San Fransicso 10 am - 1 pm Soup Pork Roast, Fish, chicken Potatoes, vegies, salad, pancakes and much more Includes one desert $11.95 Reservations required George cell 6875-0108 Clare cell 6887-6083
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