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Posts posted by Brundageba

  1. 14 hours ago, Bonnie said:

    I just received my electricity bill from UF on which there is a credit labeled Fondo Tarifario de Occidente. My Spanish is pretty good, and I have access to some good translation machines, but I can't figure out what this is. Can anyone help, please?

    Keith, For users of 400 kWh or more which they say is 80% of the users.  Wow.    Our bill averages at about 270 kWh or so.  That said we had a tag added to our bill that was labeled as " guarantee of payment...additional deposit" .  Our usual $25 bill was over $60.  We paid it. More subsidy I guess  Keith.

    Bonnie...did they explain it to you? Seems strange.

  2. We are now using our 1700 gallon plastic pool for bathing, toilet flushing, dish washing  and floor cleaning .   A few neighbors are using that pool water as well.  Our 600 gallon tank is approaching empty.  We've been using that tank water for cooking only.  I believe this is now day 4 without water in Brisas.  As it is we can probably last several more days.

    Good time to enjoy the river at Canjelones !  

    muni pipe repair.JPG


  3. 2 hours ago, JudyS said:

    $20 is really low.  If you have been under-paying, maybe they made an adjustment to bring the bill up to where it is supposed to be.

    We've been here 9 years.  Electric usage has been the same.  Bill has always run between $17- 25.00   Until our bills started being delivered to the wrong houses and each of us paid our neighbors bill ( except ours ) ...we are never late on payment.  The bill was stuck under the door...wasn't the wind.  Now we all look at the name on the bill.  I guess we're suck with the additional deposit.  

  4. Well interesting.  Last month the hard copies of the bills in our neighborhood got delivered to the wrong houses.  So we paid the neighbor's bill , the neighbor paid his neighbor's bill...etc.  none of us looked at the name on the bill itself.  Ok so our bill payment was one month late because of that situation.  Took us awhile to figure out what happened.  So maybe that's it.

    On the high electric bill.  We had an electrician re-wire our main fuse box.  At the time we had that done the electrician told us that when it is off balance as ours was it can effect the amount of your bill ( I have not a clue on how that works).   It's rare we have a bill over $25/month.  We use ceiling fans continuously.  Most of the time the computer is left on.  TV is on most of the time. We do have an electric security system but I doubt that draws much.  We do laundry once a week usually.  One month we had a guest who was doing wash almost every other day and that almost doubled our electric bill.


    "Produce growers of the Chiriqui Highlands have decided to stop sending legumes to Panama City due to the fact the supermarkets continue to import products without governmental sanctions  such as onions and potatoes and their crops and going to waste causing them huge monetary losses. They had threatened to close the road to the Highlands, but instead, they are stopping shipments of all legumes to the city until their situation is resolved."


  6. We had such a great turn out and as well a get together with the set up there my hunch is a repeat might be in the plan.    Many folks had lunch at the picnic tables and got together out there. Cool breeze and a beer..great combo....!   I had a chance to meet quite a few new folks and hug a few old friends I don't see often.   All in all it worked out real well.  Of course Rodny was center stage and great at explaining his services to those with questions.  Personally I look forward to a repeat.


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