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BodyMind Dojo

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Blog Entries posted by BodyMind Dojo

  1. BodyMind Dojo
    Feldenkrais Based Movement

    Identifying the source of discomfort and stress is a first step in learning how to release it.

    A Feldenkrais lesson will help you sense the contrast between the areas of pain/discomfort and relaxation in the body.
    Then you will discover how to allow your body to release unnecessary tensions that may be a painful obstacle to moving a particular area of the body.

    Tai Chi Chuan

    Tai Chi Chuan is a way of learning energetic principles, through a form or pattern of movements.  When done on a regular basis, Tai Chi helps any person develop a more grounding and poise.

    Principles are studied first while standing or doing very simple movements that require a coordination between the movement of the pelvis, spine and the four limbs.  

    As the student progresses in his practice he develops a sense of where he holds stress and tension that present obstacles to moving through the particular form being studied.

    Rubenfeld Synergy Method

    RSM introduces a means to connect sensations experienced as the body moves, with more intangible parts of ourselves:  emotions and energy.

    Floor movement sequences or table work, using either Feldenkrais or Alexander techniques, promote awareness of discomfort and blockage in the body.
    Using verbal interventions, an RSM practitioner can help you discover, through dialogue, touch & movement, the significance of the sensation of pain or discomfort in a shoulder, for instance.
    In time, you will be able to understand the source of the physical and/or emotional & energy distress associated with pain or discomfort. 

  2. BodyMind Dojo
    For the past 13 years I have been offering movement awareness lessons that help enhance balance and stability to the Boquete Community.
    Below is the link to an interview recently posted on my YouTube with Trish Christofferson (long time resident of Dolega) who shares her experience with movement lessons through the Zoom conference platform.
    If you have any questions about schedules or exploring the possibility of a series of group or private lessons, you can contact me directly at: gbvdco@gmail.com or through WhatsApp at: 6678-3297. 
  3. BodyMind Dojo
    Prevent premature aging of skin, muscles, joints and bones with the Feldenkrais Method and Alexander Technique.
    As you age you lose suppleness because the tissues in your body structure slowly dehydrate.
    How do you actually get to experience the dehydration?  This is a reasonable question to have. You'll know because your joints start getting stiffer and it becomes more difficult to move your body.
    Some areas dehydrate faster than others, for instance the knees.
    Fortunately this natural aging process can be mitigated and even reversed with skillfully designed body movement sequences.
    A welcomed bonus of Feldenkrais & Alexander Technique lessons is that your body naturally starts getting re-hydrated.  You'll experience that as a general softening of the body and an improvement in flexibility.
    This impacts in a positive way, directly in your skin, muscles, joints and bones.
    There are of course other important benefits like improvement of functional movement skills. You start noticing that you move with more ease, less effort & pain.
    A Feldenkrais lesson feels like giving yourself a massage. In this way you bring circulation to dehydrated stiff areas of your body.  
    Add Alexander Technique intentional directions and you seal in the benefits of the Feldenkrais movement sequences.
    For more information about one-on-one and group lessons contact Andei (AKA Gilberto) through WhatsApp 6678-3297, gbvdco@gmail.com or Body Mind Dojo at Chiriqui Life.  You can also join the ongoing group that meets Mondays from 11 am to 12.

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