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Hil J

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Isla Boca Brava



Repost requested!! My original post was NOT meant for advertising or critical advice. Bud's wife ask about it out of curiosty. Another person did a critical overview of the project. That was NOT Necessary on my Blog. My blog is for information on things to do in Chiriqui. So, to stop any speculation on what this project is going to be I took the blog down. We had great visit to the island and that is ALL the Blog was about. We watched a ferry take cars across from Boca Chica landing across to Isla Boca Brava and it took about five minutes. The road down the middle of the island all the way to the west end will be improved soon. If you've never traveled all the way on the island from east to west I recommend it. Take plenty of water and some food. The new four lane from David to Boca Chica has really reduced the time for the trip---about 45 minutes. I drive from Boquete to El Reys in David in about 25 minutes. And, the rough highway from the Interamericana to Boca Chica is suppose to be repaired this year (rumor fingers crossed) and that might take a few minutes off of the trip. So, this is a nice day trip with little drive time involved. If you are retired and in a hurry in Panama you have created yourself problems. This culture is slow like NO OTHER!!!!! It took me about a year to learn how to BE  RETIRED. Now, it's fun. Fun is what it's all about in retirement.











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  • Administrators


As a blog owner here on CL, you have considerable control over your blog. I see that you have locked this blog entry. That is one of the tools available for blog owners to use to manage their blog. Admins can override such locks, as I am doing here, but it is very rare that I do so. Other tools include deleting content, which you have also discovered.

Speaking now specifically as an administrator of this website, you get to set the rules for your blog. Your desire not to turn your posting into marketing or a critique is reasonable, but even if it were not reasonable, you have that right and the tools to manage your blog. All CL users should respect your choices. The admins only step in when rules or guidelines are being violated, and you have never even gotten close to violating any of CL's rules or guidelines.

I am a bit concerned that my clarification of your reference to a website may have caused the diversion into critiquing and marketing. That was not my intention. I had an uneasy feeling after reading your original blog posting because you made reference to more information about that project but then did not elaborate; that is what caused my inquiry. Please know that I was not trying to hijack your posting and turn it into a marketing tool for the developers.

I have two purposes for posting this reply. One is to highlight ('advertise' might be a better word) the fact that blog owners have considerable control (much more so than postings in the forums channel) over their blog. And secondly to highlight that many people read and appreciate the information that you post in your blog entries.

Thank you for re-posting your information about your visit to Isla Boca Brava. And thank you for being a contributing CL member.


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