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News and information about developing your healthy secure lifestyle in Panama

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The Anatomy of a Hacking

Sleepwellpanama.com     The Tide of Cybercrime is Rising Fast   While physical crime against expats here in Panama is diminishing, cybercrime is rising world wide. Losses from cybercrime may already be greater than physical robbery. It is one of the fastest growing businesses in the world.   Cybercriminals are targeting Seniors   Anyone over 60 did not grow up with computers or the Internet from day one. Many of us openly admit to computer illiteracy.

Dr Sleepwell

Dr Sleepwell

The Holidays - Prime Time for Crime

The holidays are upon us once again and there are lots of “extra” people in town and some who are looking for extra spending money. You don’t want to be their cash machine.   Let’s review a few “best practices” that can reduce the likelihood of coming to grief at any time of year, but the holidays in particular. DON'T LEAVE VALUABLES IN YOUR CAR. This almost seems too obvious, but in his talk at the BCP theater the other day, the new Minister of Security for Panama related how he had left his la

Dr Sleepwell

Dr Sleepwell

A New Approach to Crime Reporting

Cross posted from the Dr. Sleepwell web site www.sleepwellpanama.com This is one of a series of articles introducing Dr. Sleepwell's new approach to healthy, preventive security   Dr. Sleepwelll knows that the community wants and needs accurate accounts of crimes that are committed and he does his best with his limited resources. But just reporting on crimes is not enough. The Doc talks about “investigating” crimes, but he is not the police and has no capability or interest in chasing criminals.

Dr Sleepwell

Dr Sleepwell

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