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Hello everyone!  For August, the amount of the monthly donations were $920.00 and expenses totaled $1,412.00.  Thank you to everyone who contributed!


3 dogs and 4 cats found their forever home this month….we are so happy for these furries!  If you have any friends or relatives looking for a pet, please direct them to our site or have them contact us, as we have many ready for adoption.


Please consider fostering an animal if you are able to do so.  When you foster an animal with ARF, we take care of all food and medical expenses – we just need you to provide a loving and protective environment. 

If you are not in the position to foster an animal, please consider making a donation. Any amount is greatly appreciated.




Our Pancake Breakfast/Adoption Day at the Animales Building – Saturday, October 1st 9:00am-11:30am. 

The menu includes pancakes, bacon, fruit, coffee, tea and the necessary accompaniments (butter, syrup, etc.) Bloody Mary’s, Mimosas and Juice will be available for purchase.  Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at Mailboxes Etc. and at the ARF tent at the Tuesday market.  Mr. Dog will also be there selling pet supplies and will also have his engraving machine to make tags.  Remember, it is noted in the Animal Law 70 of Panama that domestic animals are required to have a tag with at least a phone number that can be called in the event an animal is found wandering the streets.  Protect your furry friends – an unplanned escape is always possible!


Shopping Party – This is planned for November 30th at Mike’s Global Grill…..just in time to get started on your Christmas shopping.  Details will be announced shortly.


ARF is a small non-profit animal organization dedicated to the rescue, care, foster and adoption of the unwanted and neglected animals in Boquete and the surrounding areas.  Please visit our website at http://www.arf-boquete.com/  if you are interested in adopting an animal.  You can also help with the financial support of these animals by clicking here http://www.arf-boquete.com/donate.html

Our email address is arf.boquete@gmail.com

Please visit and “like” our Facebook page on https://www.facebook.com/ARF-Adopt-Rescue-Foster-Boquete-Panama-260616740779036/

Also, please visit Pets Want Homes if you are interested in adopting an animal on http://www.petswanthomes.com/



August Graphic.jpg


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