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Looking for a mentor/teacher carpenter

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I am looking for a wood worker to help mentor my Indigenous worker to help him make bee boxes and frames using circular saws and other more automated equipment.  This work is not difficult but it must be done with accuracy as bees are small and every 1mm counts. We have templates and drawings that have been used in the past as well as good models to copy.  The gentleman is skilled and intelligent but does not know how to use woodworking machines and needs some tutoring and mentoring help.   I am willing to pay in cash, coffee, honey or mead or some combination.  I think the time commitment would be initially a couple of days a week for maybe 2 -3 weeks and then just to be available by phone or come by occasionally as new challenges arise or to stay in touch.  We always have wood based projects so I would like to build a relationship with the right person.


Edited by Emily Haworth
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I am looking for a wood worker to help mentor my Indigenous worker to help him make bee boxes and frames using circular saws and other more automated equipment.  This work is not difficult but it must be done with accuracy as bees are small and every 1mm counts. The gentleman is skilled and intelligent but does not know how to use woodworking machines and needs some tutoring and mentoring help.   I am willing to pay in cash, coffee, honey or mead or some combination.  I think the time commitment would be initially a couple of days a week for maybe 2 -3 weeks and then just to be available by phone or come by occasionally as new challenges arise or to stay in touch.  We always have wood based projects so I would like to build a relationship with the right person.


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