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Boquete Aspires to Become More Autonomous

The authorities of the district of Boquete have declared to be willing to continue to manage the supply of drinking water, solid waste collection, the slaughterhouse, the market and any other service that the municipality can manage .

El gobierno municipal se siente capaz de administrar sus servicios públicos y cuidar de sus recursos naturales. Solo piden descentralización.

"Among Boqueteños there is a consensus that all public services should be municipal, and that the most that we could accept are the formation of joint ventures," said the mayor, Emigdio Walker Vásquez, who highlighted the successful execution of a $1,279,000 budget which is 28 per cent higher than in 2014.

It was also reported that currently the municipality is looking for an appropriate place to build the new slaughterhouse, because a municipal center of conventions will be constructed in the area of the current one.

The President of the Council, Marcial Suárez, indicated that during the present year 85% of the shortcomings of the rural aqueducts have been rectified, and that in the coming weeks reforestation of the river basins in the region will commence, coordinated with the Ministry of the Environment.

"As Boqueteños we are aware of the need to preserve the environment, especially the rivers and ravines, so that we will be alert to prevent the construction of any new hydroelectric plants in our district," said Suarez, noting that the Caldera River was declared a natural heritage for future generations of Boqueteños.

Labor binomial

Vásquez and Suarez urged the National Council for Sustainable Development to accelerate the start of construction of the aqueduct, sanitary sewage and waste treatment plant of this corregimiento..

On 15 June, the president of the Republic, Juan Carlos Varela, gave the order to proceed to begin the construction of the sewage of Boquete, valued at 22.5 million dollars.

Start Works

"This work represents an important economic injection and sources of employment during its construction, but the most important thing is that will improve the quality of life of those who live, work and visit Bajo Boquete," said.

He added that the plan of urban development and territorial organization proved to be a valuable tool for achieving a rational growth and preserve natural resources. Now, he seeks to integrate the districts of High Boquete, Palmira and boiler.


For decades, various sectors of Panamanian society have recognized the need to decentralize politically and administratively to the Panamanian State. At the end of the administration of President Martin Torrijos, was sent to the National Assembly of Deputies a draft law in this regard, which was approved, but to date has not been put into effect.



Edited by Keith Woolford
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