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Locating past posters, How to find members, Getting a member listing



I am finding it problematical at times to locate a prior post that I want to reaccess. Usually I can remember who posted it. But unless they've posted recently and I can click on their picture to go to their profile and activity stream, I'm unable to quickly find them without scrolling through all the potential categories. The search function doesn't seem to work for the names of persons.

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Display names are searchable. You indicate that names are not searchable, but they are. This topic gets confusing because there are two kinds of names in Chiriqui.Life: display names and real names. For the purpose of this answer I refer only to display names.

To search on a [display] name, use the search function doing the following:

  1. In the search field, type the display name, or a portion of the display name of interest.
  2. Change the search scope from 'all content' to 'members'; this is important because display names are NOT ‘content', they are 'metadata'.
  3. Execute the search, meaning click on the eyeglass/magnifying glass.
  4. Select the member of interest, assuming more than one shows up in the search results.
  5. In the profile of the member is a listing in reverse chronological order of all of their postings.
  6. Select the posting of interest.

Going a bit further, you can search using the 'members' scope as mentioned in item 2 above, and leave the display name (the search parameter) field blank, and the result will be a listing of all members on this website in alphabetical order by display name.

Bonnie, that was a good question. Thanks for posting it in the Q&A forum so that other members can benefit from your experiences.

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