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Vehicle Stickers and License Plates in Panama


Posted 18/05/2024

The process of delivering vehicle stickers and vehicle plates corresponding to February 2024 has begun, however, it is recommended to confirm the process by visiting alcaldiadigital.com  To remove the sticker and get a new one, vehicle owners must have paid the annual road tax, be up to date with the municipality of Panama, and have a current inspection. 

On the mupa.gob.pa portal, you only have to enter through the online procedures window and you will be able to check if your badge or license plate is available, if the vehicle inspection is valid and if you have municipal peace and security.  Panama Newsroom also informs readers that if you know your taxpayer number, register as a new taxpayer and in the citizen consultation window you can find out the requirements to carry out multiple municipal procedures. 

They have optimized processes, to register as a user of the Panama Municipal Treasury platform, complete the Affidavit, register new companies and calculate payment arrangements.  Other digital procedures are to follow up on the request for construction permits before the Directorate of Works and Construction by scheduling appointments to enter, re-enter and withdraw plans.


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