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Los Quetzales Trail

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Note for Bud:  Maybe have a topic for Nature hikes/Outdoor Adventures/ & Traveling??


I just did this hike on Wednesday for the second time with Jere of : http://www.boquetenaturehike.com/ 




We did this last year with Jere, and my wife and I did this for the first time back in 2014. Wow what a difference! The trail is VERY well marked with new signs and well kept. If you have not done this trail it is a top 10 for Boquete. Great to bring your dogs!!

Also cIMG_5154.JPGome on out on Wednesdays and enjoy the beauty of nature!

Thank you Jere!.














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I had been "following" this topic as a flag for me to consider your recommendation in your lead-in paragraph. I am reluctant to create more forums because one of our complaints is that there are too many forums. And then at dinner last night the solution (well, maybe just a slight improvement?) popped onto the table: restructure. The end result was to rename the recreation forum and to make it more inclusive.

Recreation has been renamed to "Outdoor Activities (Recreation, Sightseeing, Nature Hikes, Tourism, etc.)". It then was relocated so as to keep the forums in alphabetical order. This topic was then moved to that forum.

I am not totally comfortable with tourism being in this forum, but then I remain reluctant to create more forums. Ideas and feedback solicited.

Great pictures, BTW.

We met Jere earlier this year at a BCP event. She does a lot of good stuff, not just her nature hikes. I would like to join in some of her nature hikes, but mobility issues on my part tell me that would not be wise. Jere posts some stunningly beautiful pictures from her nature hikes. Many of her pictures are part of her calendar events that she posts here on CL announcing the nature hikes that she leads.

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