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63 candidates vying for Supreme Court of Justice


Posted 11/06/2022

The Attorney General's Office reported that until Saturday, June 11, 63 people have shown interest in holding the position of a magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice.

The documentation of the applicants is received at the Center for Training and Research of the Attorney General's Office and according to what is established, the application period closes next Wednesday, June 15.

The State Commission for Justice, chaired by the Attorney General for the Administration, Rigoberto González, will be in charge of interviewing the candidates starting June 16.

The new appointment seeks to fill the vacancy in the Criminal Chamber of the Court, which will be left by Judge José Ayú Prado and his alternate Asunción Alonso, whose terms expire on December 31.


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Supreme Court candidate has resignation baggage


Posted 26/06/2022

Next Tuesday, José Abel Almengor will appear before the evaluation commission that interviews the aspiring judges. This should be seen as an excellent opportunity to finally hear the explanations that have been owed to the population for years writes Monica Palm in  La Prensa. Accustomed to not showing his face, in 2009, when he was a prosecutor and they opened a disciplinary process for allowing a person accused of money laundering to leave the country, he settled the matter with his resignation.

 Two years later, he did the same: he resigned as a magistrate, in a hurry to shelve the odyssey that represented his participation in a plan to remove Ana Matilde Gómez from the PGN, which is why he accumulated up to six complaints in the assembly. If the evaluation commission already said that the future magistrate must have a "personal and professional history characterized by integrity, independence, the absence of conflicts of interest and a commitment to justice”, then Almengor -without being asked- should step aside, understanding that his circumstances do not fit the required profile.

But since he insists, then let him use those precious minutes before the commission, to tell the truth, reveal the full list of his accomplices, and apologize once and for all.


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