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Warning on plastic surgery abroad

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Warning on plastic surgery abroad


Posted 26/02/2022

With two Panamanians “fighting for their lives” in health institutions in the country, as a result of complications from plastic surgeries performed abroad and an investigation underway by prosecutors into the recent deaths of two women who also underwent procedures outside the country the Panamanian Association of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (Apcper),  has issued a warning.

"Plastic surgery procedures should only be performed by a qualified and certified plastic surgeon, with experience in the procedure to be performed and in a hospital or clinic certified by the Ministry of Health."

Plastic surgery, including cosmetic procedures, should not be considered lightly or trivially. These are surgeries and procedures that require a "high degree of training," usually six years or more after medical school.

 The association emphasized that it is not only the surgery that is important, but also the preoperative evaluation with the plastic surgeon and the subsequent follow-up.

Misleading promotions

Finally, a call is made to the population not to get carried away by misleading promotions, especially those that offer to travel abroad with all-inclusive plans. On the contrary, it is requested to investigate the professional who will provide the service. "Failure to do so can endanger your life," stresses the group.


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Prosecutor awaits autopsy report on plastic surgery death


Posted 03/03/2022

The Homicide and Femicide section of the Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office awaits an autopsy report from the Institute of Legal Medicine to clarify the death of a 25-year-old woman who suffered complications after undergoing cosmetic surgery in Colombia.

The investigation arose on February 25, after the death of the woman at the Irma De Lourdes Tzanetatos Social Security Fund hospital (December 24), where she had been taken by her family.

It is not the only case of deaths due to alleged malpractice in this type of surgery reports La Prensa.

 On February 24, the body of a lifeless woman was found in a room in a residential complex in Vista Hermosa.

The Panamanian Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery had earlier issued a stark warning that many times these procedures, which are generally advertised in cheap promotions, lead to malpractice or inadequate postoperative care, and in the end, patients end up in public or private hospitals.


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