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 Bulk Organics Buying Club is being started in Boquete, for collectively acquiring organic dry goods at the most reasonable prices possible, and with the smallest carbon footprint.  A lifetime membership in BOBC is $10.  Membership is necessary to cement our status as a club, distinguishing us from retail stores.

While Buying Clubs were are very popular in places, not all of us have experienced one.  All members can contribute to the list of what we want made available here.  Some purchase full containers, but most leave part of what they order to share with others.  If we want rye flour, we will get a bag knowing you want only 5# of it, but also that many of us use rye flour sporadically, if not regularly.  Our advantage is that we have a Distribution Center where we can store an excess until other members want it, and the item gets reordered.  Through this process we have acquired an impressive inventory, available for purchase by any member at any time we're open.
Because we order in the largest reasonable quantities instead of single-serve packages, the part you purchase has to be put into containers you provide.  Bring your empties, fill them here and avoid hauling packaging materials home, only to throw them away when you put your food into the empty container.
To participate in and benefit from this community supported effort, contact
I'll send you directions to the Distribution Center, the days/hours open, a copy of the current inventory/price list, and answer your questions.  Those of us who are members, most cordially invite you to join us for all our mutual benefit, and hope to see you soon.  Our power is in our combined numbers!
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