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How do I find all posts by a particular member?



Bud, is it possible to access all the posts of another member? Sometimes I remember that a particular person had a post of interest, and I want to reaccess it but  can't remember the forum it appeared under.

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Hi Bonnie,

Yes, you may see a listing of the topics and replies, actually everything that a member has posted, including photos, blogs, etc., by one of two methods. The basic answer is by going to their profile.

And that leads to the question: how does one go to the profile of someone else? Simple -- just click on their Display Name, or hover over their Display Name if you are using a device that has a mouse.

If you go to their profile, then their content is automatically shown in the right side of the screen.

If you do the "hover over their name approach" (the easiest), then you will see a link for "Find Content".

Great question!

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