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Kelsy Yanguez

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Everything posted by Kelsy Yanguez

  1. Hello, good evening, my name is Kelsy Yangüez and I am a Chiriqui, I live in the Algarrobos district of Dolega. I had the opportunity to talk with an American friend about a project that I want to carry out but right now I do not have the resources to carry it out and he gave me the reference of this site to ask for help. I am a fourth-year student at the School of Medicine of the University of Panama and I work with an international Federation called IFMSA, which works together with the World Health Organization, the United Nations Organization and the Pan American Health Organization. We carry out different activities among them visiting psychiatric rooms and children's rooms. In March there will be a training in Egypt which I would like to attend but I need the money for the plane ticket and this is where I ask for your help. If you want to know more about me or need my notes and proofs about my work I will be happy to share, and I put my disposition for whatever you need within your community. My number is 6868-0826 and my email is kelsyn_15@hotmail.com. I appreciate your answers
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