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Dennis Philpot

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Posts posted by Dennis Philpot

  1. My girlfriend Mara's brother was one of the men who died and the last to be identified.  I'm told that passengers normally tried to sit as near the emergency exit as possible, but in this case that strategy worked against survival.  Mara's brother didn't make it partially because he waited to help a pregnant woman escape.  As the article mentions, no compensation to the families of the victims.  And as many of us have experienced, while the transport system might now be somewhat improved, many of the drivers driving methods and attention to safety have not.

    • Sad 2
  2. I also have wondered why there's no enforcement of speed limits or dangerous driving in Bajo Boquete.  Since I walk around the area a few times each day, I always see lots of craziness -- even cars passing Policia.  I've also had lots of driving to and from David and up and down the PAH, so have seen all the situations and even experienced getting a ticket.  But the lack of concern in so many areas is confounding.

  3. I will soon move to Nueva Gorgona, so the beautiful one bedroom, one bath, fully furnished apartment at the Haven Spa Hotel is available for viewing for those interested in renting it.  Please contact Howard Jones, owner of The Haven, directly for further information.

    hjonesabroad@gmail.com, or

    6491-5579 mobile, or 

    730-9345 (direct number to The Haven)

  4. 55 minutes ago, Bonnie said:

    I sincerely doubt that their not eating protein is cultural. It is economic. Whenever I have fed an Ngobe worker meat, he has eaten it like there's no tomorrow.

    Visit Nutre Hogar in David if you want to witness the results of a poor diet. It's heartbreaking.

    No need to go to David to see poor diet habits.  These choices abound at many popular places in Boquete.  And it is heartbreaking, as you say,  to see the effects, though these are not limited to the indigenous or Panamanian folks.

  5. This is always a timely topic, now matter where one lives in what might be considered developing areas.  For those interested in getting involved in helping the local indigenous families as well as the poorer Panamanian families, with either money or time or efforts or all, one of the local opportunities is with Buenos Vecinos de Boquete -- http://www.buenosvecinosdeboquete.com/.  If, after viewing the website, you decide to take part in a food packing day (next one this Thursday, 3/29) you'll get to see some of the nutritional foods given to 100 or so families each month.  And if you then decide to take part in one of the many food delivery efforts later that day, you'll get to experience a slice of the life of these families (may entail hikes or drives into areas off the beaten path), who are so grateful for these small monthly gifts and the kids who have no idea that they are "poor".  Hope you can join us sometime, and if you do, at least for the first few visits, it's best to leave your "shoulds and shouldn'ts" behind.

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  6. Good for Feeley for honoring his conscience.  Down on the ground, here in Panama, there are some consequences for US expats to the Trump "shithole" doctrine (even though it was only verbalized publicly yesterday).  For me it has meant that my Panamanian girlfriend / partner (who will join me in Boquete in a few days) has been denied a travel visa to the U.S.  We had planned a 10-14 day trip to introduce her to my family and friends, but that trip now won't happen.

    After paying the fee and submitting the required documents she was "awarded" an interview with a U.S. representative.  And in spite of the fact that she had previously had a 10 year U.S. visa when her work required U.S. travel, and that she owns her home in Panama City, and that her son and three grandchildren all reside in Panama, the visa was denied apparently because she (African descended by the way) was deemed a risk to stay in the US beyond our travel plan.  Apparently the interviewer said something to the effect that once she and I boarded a flight, either or both could fall in love with some other person and that she was therefore a risk too great for US entry.

    In the frame of reference of so many other much more important issues going on in the world. she and I will easily survive this situation.  But for those of you who find important relationships in Panama, don't count on being able to share them with your US bound loved ones.

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  7. Personally I'm ok with enforcement of these documentation regulations, even if they are really more like a local fund raising effort.  What I still don't understand is why speeding and reckless driving are OK within and around Bajo Boquete -- up to at least 80+ mph in the early morning, with cars passing police vehicles and police motorcycles with no concern from said police, with no lights on at 6am, with passengers and students in these taxis and school busses.

  8. I'm surprised there aren't more serious crashes here in Boquete, on the main road into town.  My first walk at just before 6am each morning goes from the Haven, where I currently live, down to the main road by Superiores, then left to the direction of town, then left at La Karreta to the side road and back to the Haven.  It's only about 25 minutes, with 10-15 minutes on the main road.  And at this early hour I see lots of vehicles leaving and entering town at speeds of at least 60 mph and up to 80+mph (personal estimates).  And to make it more exciting, many of them pass other cars that are going fast as well.  I've been honked at from behind from one car passing another into town when I have to step off the "sidewalk" in those places where the "sidewalk" is gone.  I know I, as a pedestrian I have no rights and need to look after myself.  And I've learned to live with that reality.  But the other seeming anomalies are that I see police on motorcycles and in vehicles driving at safe and normal speeds, but being passed by speeders without said police responding to give citations; and that many or most of the highest speeders are the Colegials taking kids to school (hopefully).  Maybe it will take a major crash with kids hurt to incite the local police to enforce safety guidelines (if they exist).

    And this brings up one of the only advantages to traffic jams due to whatever circumstances:  driving is slow, even if the "me first, before you" attitude is still extant.

    In the meantime I hope we can all get used to always giving a right of way and not reacting to perceived slights to our egos.

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  9. About

    About a year ago I contacted Dr. Eric Tortosa (I think spelling is correct) from the list.  He's at Chiriqui Hospital and he answered my email on a a weekend in perfect English.  It turns out that my issue  (hip replacement related) resolved before my Monday appointment (he would have gotten me in that fast) so I cancelled and haven't seen him.  However, the other hip (arthritic but no replacement yet) is now acting up and I plan to contact him again.  No other references I can give.  Dennis


  10. For me it's a very minor deal.  Ask if you want it and don't if you don't.  The bigger issue might be to get out and exercise a lot, watch the total diet and caloric intake; meditate and contemplate.  Get back to the core issues, and whether a salt shaker is or isn't on the table is worth much less than the effort to type these words.

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  11. In a casual street conversation with some friends earlier today, they mentioned to me that there was a new Boquete to PC and return shuttle service for $25 one way.  But they couldn't tell me how to get more information.  Since I make this trip twice monthly, I wonder if someone can help me with contact information about this service.  Thanks in advance.


  12. Thanks again for the help, Keith.  i tried yesterday, but there was a little twist that I thought I'd share.  My car was purchased (from you) before I got my cedula and was linked with my U.S. Passport number.  When I tried to renew the driver's license yesterday, I was told I needed to go the the Municipio and have my records changed so that the Passport reference number would be replaced by the cedula number (I got my cedula in December and got the new license plate in January, so that's when the cedula number got into the system).  So I got the records changed and will go back to Sertracen tomorrow (30 minutes before they open).  I hope this info helps save others an extra trip.


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