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Knee Function Improvement: Semi-Private Classes at BodyMind Dojo.


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The knee is one of the weakest joints in the human anatomy.  Its proper functioning requires proper alignment.  Most knee dysfunctions are the result of loading weight on it, when it is only designed to transmit body weight to the feet.
Starting the first week of January, I'll be offering a new small group class on improving the function of your knees.
If you have been experiencing pain and discomfort in your knees this class could be a solution for you.  I want to emphasize the word "could", because you'll need to engage in a daily routine to achieve success.
The methods I use rely on first developing awareness of how you are accumulating stress in your body, as you go about your daily activities.  The second step then is committing to a daily practice.  As you build up your "awareness muscle", then your body will start revealing to you what needs to be done next.  
My work with you then, is in coaching you first on how to build up awareness and then to recognize the body movement practice you need to engage in, to gradually undo the dynamic and unconscious postural imbalances.
I'll be introducing you to several proven movement modalities like the Feldenkrais Method, the Alexander Technique, Tai Chi and Qigong.  I have been teaching these methods in the Boquete Community since 2007.  To view local testimonials of participants to my classes please go to the bottom of his web page:  Who Can Benefit
Each class is limited to two committed individuals and will meet for two weeks every month, for two hours each time.  This will allow me to  tailor the class to the specific needs of two participants.  I plan to organize several schedules to accommodate different needs.
The cost of each class is $40.00 and you need to commit in advance to at least two classes per month.
If you are interested, please let me know by responding to this email and indicate what time options work for you during the week (no Saturdays or Sundays).  Please indicate your time availability as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, i.e. in terms of your possibilities.
Respectfully yours,
Gilberto Barria-Vallarino
Better Body Balance
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