Moderators Moderator_02 Posted August 17, 2017 Moderators Share Posted August 17, 2017 Quote New Deadline for Chan II Hydro Station Project The Public Services Authority of Panama has established a deadline of January 15, 2020 to begin the construction of the Bocas del Toro hydroelectric dam. Friday, August 11, 2017 Empresa de Generación Eléctrica (Egesa) is expected to accelerate the process to find a concessionaire to take over the construction of the hydroelectric project, which was previously in the hands of the Brazilian company reports that "...Through resolution 11452 of July 24, 2017, the regulatory entity approved addendum 4 where the new concessionaire who is in charge of this project must present a schedule of execution, indicating all of the activities to be carried out to complete the plant."... The National Energy Secretariat, which is part of Egesa, reported that the state is looking for a new partner to develop the project, but some terms such as the percentage of state participation and the financing mechanism have not yet been defined." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted August 14, 2020 Author Moderators Share Posted August 14, 2020 Quote Panamá mantiene en agenda el proyecto hidroeléctrico Bocas del Toro o Chan II Wilfredo Jordán S. 14 ago 2020 - 12:00 AM El proyecto hidroeléctrico Bocas del Toro (antes Changuinola II), que tiene como promotor a la estatal Empresa de Generación Eléctrica, S.A. (Egesa), está dentro del plan de expansión eléctrica, que posiblemente entre en operación en 2026. La concesión originalmente la tenía Odebrecht Latin Finance, pero tras los escándalos de corrupción de la constructora, en 2017 el gobierno panameño alcanzó un mutuo acuerdo para que se la devolviera a Egesa. Se propone una planta de 223 megavatios de capacidad, que representa una inversión superior a los $600 millones. La planta aparece en el último plan de expansión de la Empresa de Transmisión Eléctrica, S.A. (Etesa), donde se contempla la construcción de la cuarta línea de transmisión desde Chiriquí Grande a Panamá. Además, Egesa contrató una consultoría para que prepare dos informes semestrales de seguimiento al cumplimiento del estudio de impacto ambiental (EIA). El primer informe corresponde al periodo de septiembre de 2019 a febrero de 2020, y el segundo, de marzo hasta agosto de 2020. Este requisito lo debe cumplir Egesa como promotor del proyecto para mantener la concesión vigente, de acuerdo con la regulación de la Autoridad Nacional de los Servicios Públicos (ASEP). También se le exige a Egesa velar por el cumplimiento del EIA aprobado en 2013, a través de la presentación de reportes periódicos de seguimiento al Ministerio de Ambiente, que demuestren que se están realizando los trámites para desarrollar el proyecto. Desde 2017, Egesa ha estado a cargo del proyecto. Durante la pasada administración gubernamental se intentó licitar para encontrar un socio estratégico que desarrollara la hidroeléctrica, pero no se concretó nada. Rafael Terán, quien se ha mantenido como gerente de Egesa desde la pasada administración, no respondió la llamada de este diario para conocer qué se ha avanzado para licitar la obra. Esta sería la última hidroeléctrica de embalse que se construiría en el país, según han señalado los expertos, debido a que quedan muy pocos caudales para este tipo de generadoras, además del impacto social y ambiental que causan. La hidroeléctrica estaría a 15 kilómetros hacia arriba del proyecto Changuinola 1, construido y operado por AES Changuinola. Moderator comment: Below is an unedited automated translation of the above news article. Quote Panama maintains the Bocas del Toro or Chan II hydroelectric project on the agenda Wilfredo Jordán S. Aug 14, 2020 - 12:00 AM <<Chan II.jpg>> The Bocas del Toro hydroelectric project (formerly Changuinola II), whose promoter is the state-owned Empresa de Generación Eléctrica, S.A. (Egesa) is part of the electrical expansion plan, which may come into operation in 2026. The concession was originally held by Odebrecht Latin Finance, but after the construction company's corruption scandals, in 2017 the Panamanian government reached a mutual agreement to return it to Egesa. A plant with 223 megawatts of capacity is proposed, which represents an investment of more than $ 600 million. The plant appears in the latest expansion plan of Empresa de Distribución Eléctrica, S.A. (Etesa), where the construction of the fourth transmission line from Chiriquí Grande to Panama is contemplated. In addition, Egesa hired a consultancy to prepare two semi-annual follow-up reports on compliance with the environmental impact study (EIA). The first report corresponds to the period from September 2019 to February 2020, and the second, from March to August 2020. This requirement must be fulfilled by Egesa as the promoter of the project to keep the concession in force, in accordance with the regulation of the National Public Services Authority (ASEP). Egesa is also required to ensure compliance with the EIA approved in 2013, through the presentation of periodic follow-up reports to the Ministry of the Environment, which demonstrate that the procedures to develop the project are being carried out. Since 2017, Egesa has been in charge of the project. During the past government administration, an attempt was made to tender to find a strategic partner to develop the hydroelectric plant, but nothing was achieved. Rafael Terán, who has remained as Egesa's manager since the last administration, did not respond to the call from this newspaper to find out what progress has been made to tender the work. This would be the last reservoir hydroelectric plant to be built in the country, according to experts, because there are very few flows left for this type of generators, in addition to the social and environmental impact they cause. The hydroelectric plant would be 15 kilometers above the Changuinola 1 project, built and operated by AES Changuinola. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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