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Followup on new regulations re receiving drugs and cosmetics by mail


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I just received this followup email from Velkys at MBE:

Good afternoon Mrs. Williams,

Thanks for your assistance, we need all our customers about this new restriction however at the moment it is only for cosmetics.

We are allowed to bring medicines, the procedure at the MINSA takes about 10 to 20 days and we must send a file with a lot of information that we must get from the customers, but at the end we bring the medicines to Boquete

It is important that expatriates do not panic thinking that they will not receive their medicines. The process takes 10 to 20 days and we need them to give us the information we asked for, the faster they give us the faster they will receive their medicines as they have noticed in the last months.

We don’t understand what is the base for this new regulation from the Government, which affects not only expats but to all the Panamanians that do purchases on line. The MBE Corporate is taking all the necessary steps to solve this situation.

I´ll keep you posted.


Have a good weekend,


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