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AAC Has Medical Plan Cards Available For New Members


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If you recently joined the Hospital Cooperativo medical discount plan sponsored by Alto al  Crimen, your wallet ID cards are now available.
Come to the Tuesday Market tomorrow, July 25, and look for Bob Gregory walking around looking stupid with a sign hanging around his neck.  The sign will say "MED PLAN CARDS."
We also have a few cards that people have not yet picked up from the previous enrollment period.   You may not have been sick, and thus have not needed them, but don't push your luck.
Once you have your card(s) it is a good idea to make an appointment with a doctor of internal medicine at the hospital.  Get acquainted with the doctor, have him open a record file for you, maybe  have a general physical exam and share your medical history.  Then, if you later have an illness or need to go to the hospital in an emergency,  you will have a local file with information that could be very helpful.  Write  the doctor's name on the back of your ID card.
Also remember that in the event of a visit to the emergency room and you need assistance with translation, you can call the AAC Hotline (6477-6662 or 6917-0011) and ask Franc Lugo to help you.

If you do not make it to the market this week, the cards will also be available there next week (August 1)/  Thereafter, send an email to usn11958@gmail.com  to coordinate pickup.  Otherwise, I'll nail them to a tree in the Amistad National Forest for you.

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