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Boquete Coffee Sets Record Price of $601 Per Pound


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From La Prensa, July 20, 2017
See rough translation to English below.
XXI Best of Panama 2017

Café geisha se cotiza a $601 la libra en China

Aet Elisa Tejera C. 20 jul 2017 - 00:00h
Temas: Café
El geisha posee aromas florales y sabor a frutas tropicales que lo distinguen en la caficultura internacional.

El australiano de ascendencia china Jason Kew impuso un récord al pagar $601 por la libra del café panameño Esmeralda Geisha Cañas Verdes Natural, en la subasta online XXI Best of Panama 2017.

La compra se dio a través de la compañía Kew Specialty Coffee de Hong Kong y es el precio más alto que se ha pagado por el grano panameño.
El exquisito café es procedente de la hacienda La Esmeralda, de la familia Peterson, y se cultiva arriba de los mil 800 metros sobre el nivel del mar en Cañas Verdes, Palmira, Chiriquí.
La puja y repuja del café panameño ocurrió entre tres compradores. La compañía Kew Specialty Coffee adquirió dos cajas de 100 libras cada una por un valor de $60 mil 100, informó Wilford Lamastus, presidente de la Asociación de Cafés Especiales de Panamá (Scap).
El precio por el Esmeralda Geisha Cañas Verdes Natural es el más alto pagado por una libra de café en una subasta online en el mundo. El récord lo tenía un café variedad moca de Guatemala, cuya libra se cotizó en $425.
Este récord confirma el posicionamiento y la calidad del café panameño. Se reafirma que las características organolépticas (sabor, textura, olor, color o temperatura) del grano panameño son inigualables y lo hacen cada día más apetecible en el competitivo mundo de los cafés especiales, manifestó Daniel Peterson, gerente de operaciones de hacienda La Esmeralda.
En la subasta online panameña se ofertaron 51 lotes del mejor café producido en las tierras chiricanas y participaron compradores de Estados Unidos, Asia y Europa. La venta electrónica, que duró seis horas, se dividió en cinco categorías: geisha natural, geisha lavado; variedades tradicionales, proceso lavado y proceso natural, y la variedad pacamara.
La casa Saza Coffee de Japón también compró una porción del codiciado geisha istmeño. La japonesa pagó $254.80 por la libra del café geisha marca Sophia de la finca Sophia Estate Panama, propiedad de Hellen Russell y Willem Boot.
Saza Coffee conoce muy bien la calidad del grano local. En 2015 impuso un récord en la subasta online Best of Panama, al pagar $350.25 por una libra del café geisha de la hacienda La Esmeralda de la familia Peterson.
De la finca Sophia Estate Panama también provino el geisha La Mula, proceso natural, que fue el tercer mejor pagado en la subasta al cotizarse en $165 la libra.
La casa Aroma Café pagó $16 mil 500 por dos cajas de 100 libras de este grano.
Un buen café geisha se cultiva arriba de los mil 500 metros sobre el nivel del mar y debe pasar por un período de entre 90 y 120 días en un proceso de añejamiento, manifestó Francisco Serracín, miembro de la Scap y catador internacional.
The Australian of Chinese descent Email Jason Kew imposed a record by paying $601 per pound of Panamanian coffee Esmeralda Geisha Rod green Natural, in the auction online 21st Best of Panama 2017.

The purchase occurred through Hong Kong's Kew Specialty Coffee company and is the highest price that has been paid by the Panamanian grain.

The delicious coffee is coming from the hacienda La Esmeralda, the Peterson family, and is grown above the thousand 800 meters on the level of the sea Rod green, Palmira, Chiriqui.
The bid and embosses coffee Panamanian took place among three buyers. The Kew Specialty Coffee company acquired two 100-pound boxes each with a value of $60 thousand 100, reported Wilford Lamastus, President of the Association of specialty coffee in Panama (Scap).

By Esmeralda Geisha Rod green Natural price is the highest paid for a pound of coffee at an auction online in the world. The record had a coffee variety moca of Guatemala, whose pound was quoted at $425.

This record confirms the positioning and the quality of the Panamanian coffee. Reaffirms that
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Panama Geisha coffee sets new record at $601 a pound

A cuppa made from beans grown on the Esmerelda plantation could cost $50 .

PANAMA continues to produce  some of the world’s best – and most expensive  coffee –  with Asian buyers bidding a record breaking  $601 a pound for geisha coffee at the recent Best of Panama coffee auction.

That translates into  a $50 a cup at the retail end.

The sale   of the winning 100-pound lot from Hacienda La Esmeralda  in Boquete shattered previous price records.

At the auction  presented by the Specialty Coffee Association of Panama, experts from around the world bought  51 lots comprising 5,950 pounds of green coffee sold for $368,711, at a remarkable average price of $61.98 per pound.

The auction reinforces  the belief  that not only has quality improved among progressive farmers, but that there is a healthy and growing market at the very high end of the specialty coffee spectrum.

The vast majority of buyers hail from Asia. Panama’s Specialty Coffee Association of Panama reported that 37 of the winning lots went to buyers in Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea, while Australian buyers bought seven of the lots, with the remaining lots going to buyers in the United States (1), Holland (1), France (1), the UK (2) and Saudi Arabia (2).

The auction concluded with single lots being purchased by the U.S., Holland and France, two lots each to UK and Saudi Arabia and seven lots going to Australia. The remaining 37 lots went to Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and S. Korea. The lone U.S. buyer was Boulder, Colo.’s Dragonfly Coffee Roasters, although it should be noted that numerous parties in the U.S. and Europe have holdings in farms represented in the competition.

The top-scoring Hacienda La Esmeralda lot is a natural-process Geisha coffee grown on the producer organization’s Cañas Verdes Farm that was purchased by Korea’s Kew Specialty Coffee Co. Since its emergence in Panama in the last decade at the hands of several progressive producers — La Esmeralda among them — the Geisha variety has played a crucial role in elevating the extreme high-end market in Panama.

The vast majority of Best of Panama-winning coffees were of the Geisha variety, most of them natural-processed with a handful of Caturras, Catuais and Pacamaras also represented.



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