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Tourism Authority Re-Tenders Project for Wizard Beach

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Tourism Authority Re-Tenders Project for Wizard Beach

The tender is for the study, design and construction of an eco-trail to Beach Wizard, in Bocas del Toro.

The Panama Tourism Authority (ATP) called for the third time to companies with experience in tourism projects to participate in the act of tender for the study, design and construction of an eco-trail to Wizard Beach , in Bastimentos, province of Bocas del Toro, the entity said.

According to the ATP, the call for bids has already been made on two previous occasions but no company has responded, so that the Tourism Authority once again invites interested companies to enter the portal of Panama Shopping for technical specifications and the specifications provided for this work.

In this new opportunity, the proposals will be received until 8 February 16 to 10 in the morning in the Purchasing Department of the ATP, located in the building Bicsa, Financial Center, floor 29.

According to Ashbum Dixon, representative of Bastimentos, the 100% Live community tourism.

Wizard is an unspoilt beach which is very popular in Bocas del Toro and it is necessary to build the eco- path for the growth of tourism in the area, given that there is only one small restaurant and a local sale of handicrafts.

Bastimentos is the most visited island in the archipelago of Bocas del Toro and the community is in agreement in which the eco-trail to Beach Wizard for the good of locals and tourists, who currently take up to 30 minutes by a path of mud, but if you enable only take between 5 to 10 minutes.


translation and errors by freetranslation.com

Edited by Keith Woolford
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Personal reflection here. Glad to see that the national level ministries are trying to help resolve problems and improve various issues outside of Panama City. However, the timing for this specific project really caused me to pause for a moment. I refer here to the recent murder of a tourist in exactly this same place. The killing of Catherine Johannet has had very broad international coverage, and included having the US FBI coming in to assist local authorities in the investigation. For more details, see:


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11 hours ago, Keith Woolford said:

Tourism Authority Re-Tenders Project for Wizard Beach



From Keith's posting referenced here, below is the image that was in the source news article published by Prensa:


ATP llama a licitar proyecto en Playa Wizard


La licitación es para el estudio, diseño y construcción de un eco-sendero a Playa Wizard, en Bocas del Toro. / Autoridad de Turismo de Panamá
Autoridad de Turismo de Panamá


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