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Share Yourself with your Community and bring Joy to Boquete's Children


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Get Involved!  Volunteer to teach local children.

Biblioteca de Boquete is starting up a new program designed

to match up those willing to share their time and knowledge

with children wishing for more knowledge and mastery.

We guarantee the experience will enrich your life here in Boquete.

The assignment if you choose to accept:

Teach a class in any subject 

Each class will be 10-12 students

Each class will last no longer than 6 weeks. (6 classes)

We will help you with materials, with class ideas, and with translation.

There are so many amazing ideas on Pinterest, and other internet sites, to help you create your class.

Our main goal is finding volunteers who love working with children.

Possible Ideas for classes: Photography, Music, Dance, Art Design, Sculpture, Writing, Math as art, Drawing, Painting, Theater Arts, Pottery, Illustrating, or even Puppet-making, or Permaculture....

Classes can be any age group: 5-9 year old, 10-12 year old, 13-16 year old.

The volunteer teacher gets to choose.

These classes can be set up for any time frame that works for the volunteer,

beginning February 1st through out the coming year.


If you would like to enrich your experience as a part of this community!

We want to help you. We know that by sharing yourself, you will receive 10 fold back

in a rewarding pride and love for and from the children of our town.


Call either Bonnie Adams at 6683-9977 or Mary Ellen Watts at 6465-9332

or email Mary Ellen at gmamamey@gmail.com

Please join us for more information and to brain-storm over coffee and tea

at the library on November 19th , 10 am to noon, third floor.

Thank you ahead for your willingness to share your life skills and love of children with all of us.

Mary Ellen Watts       Bonnie Adams        Elsa Castillo


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