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Overcharged For Electricity?


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Have you ever wondered if you are being charged too much for your electricity? How accurate is the meter and readings for which you pay? Is your electric bill just too high?


Are you wasting electricity? Are any of your appliances...refrigerator, dehumidifier, pumps, motors, waterheater, AC, etc. doing-in your budget?

If you'd like answers to these or other questions, contact sparkyboquete@gmail.com

Energy monitoring is an important service that I can offer. Because accurate test equipment for this is very expensive, I must know if there is significant community interest. Following a personalized 30day test period I will provide your unique report showing all electricity consumed as well as summaries for each circuit breaker being monitored; my testing is sensitive enough to show increased electrical consumption just by opening the refrigerator door! Optionally you could choose to view your data in real time on your own computer. You will see how to save money by watching the usage of your appliances, lights, etc. and making indicated adjustments. If you also have solar, I will provide net metering should the utility begin paying for your excess production.

To avail yourself of my expertise and time for installation, calibration, removal, analysis and your personalized report, email me now to begin 30 days of monitoring -from $150-250- depending on the EnergyMonitoringPackage (EMP) that you choose. If I can assist you in this or another electrical matter, email sparkyboquete@gmail.com today.

Also there is a company that recently started advertising locally as Boquete Electrical Services. I am Boquete Electrical Solutions. Accept no substitutes, I am the one and only Sparky in Boquete. I offer many services but more importantly, I provide the highest quality Services and Solutions backed by 30 years experience.

Your Boquete Expert for:

*Surge Protection
*Lighting Design and Installation
*Generators and Transfer Switches
*Energy Monitoring

Boquete Electrical Solutions

Impeccable Craftsmanship

Kevin Fisher
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