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Panama Tourist Destinations Such as Boquete and the Chambers of Commerce

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Panama Tourist Destinations Such as Boquete and the Chambers of Commerce


Posted 21/07/2024

Attracting new businesses, encouraging investments and promoting tourism not only in Panama City but also in the interior of the country, is the new line of action of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (Cciap), which would like to announce that it is joining forces and forming alliances with other associations such as Fedecámaras and the chambers of commerce of Chiriquí and other provinces.  In the statement issued by the Cciap Chamber of Commerce, the president of the association, Juan Alberto Arias Strunz, indicated that they have designed an action plan aimed at strengthening the relationship between this chamber and those in the interior of the country, which together make up the Federation of Chambers of Commerce of the Republic of Panama (Fedecámaras).  

"We seek to align our actions with other associations of productive activities throughout the national territory, all sharing the purpose of seeking national well-being," said Arias Strunz.  Business meetings will be held, for example in Chiriquí, to promote the tourist destination based on the tourist brands “Panama, Live for More” and “Discover Chiriquí”.   The president of the Panamanian Chamber of Commerce said that they will visit the province of Chiriquí in August to hold meetings with other chambers of commerce and productive associations in the different districts and communities of that region.

“The objective is to share experiences, analyze challenges, weaknesses and threats, and transform them into real opportunities that allow us to advance together towards development.”  He explained that this approach will not be limited to Chiriquí. “We plan to replicate these actions in other regions of the interior of the republic. For years, Panama has concentrated its investments in the transisthmian axis. However, to promote long-term sustainable development, it is imperative that our strategy focuses on transversal actions that promote the comprehensive growth of the country, not just of one sector or one region.”


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