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Panamanian coffee: The Big Winner for 2024

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Panamanian coffee: The Big Winner for 2024


Posted 09/06/2024

Boquete, Chiriquí - After several days of tasting the various varieties of the best coffees in Panama, the international judges determined that the award for the best producer of the year goes to Lamastus Family Estate. 

Lamastus Family Estate also obtained first place in the natural process Geisha coffee variety, in addition to fourth place for washed process.  First place in Geisha with a washed process went to the coffee of producer Marcus Durán, who grows the beans in the mountains of Camiseta in Boquete, Chiriquí.  Meanwhile, in the varietal category, first place went to Black Mountain coffee, a bean called Chirozo, from producer Hunter Tedman, produced in Boquete. 

For Wilford Lamastus, the prize won by the Panama Cup means “consistency in work on the farm, it is a very close competition, but behind everything there is a passion for producing the best coffee in the country.”  Lamastus also congratulated all the best coffee lots that achieved high scores. “That makes Panama's name very high when it comes to coffee,” he stressed. 


Lamastus Family Estates with the Elida Geisha Natural Torre lot was crowned not only as champion of the Natural Geishas after reaching 95.13 points based on 100 in the competition, but was also the winner of the Panama Cup with 13 accumulated points. It is the highest award given to the producer who accumulated the most points during the competition.  It should be noted that in the Washed Geisha coffee category, first place went to the Kaisen Finca Larayne batch with 95.5 points, from Marcus Durán, and the surprise of the year was achieved by the Black Moon Constellation Chiroso batch from Black Moon Farm, a coffee that surprises and breaks a historical record in the varietal category with a score of 94.13. 


Hunter Tedman, president of the Specialty Coffee Association of Panama (SCAP), at the end of the award ceremony said that it is a source of pride not only for the producer, but for the country, that Panama Geisha continues to remain a reference for coffees of specialty worldwide and with the new revelation of the Varietal it is now on par with the Geishas in quality.



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Boquete Panama - Geisha Coffee Breaks World Record in BOP Auction


Posted 09/08/2024

At the turn of the century, Kentucky born Robert Lamastus started an Arabica coffee plantation in a farm located at around 5,600 ft (1 700 m) above sea level in the skirts of the Baru Volcano in Boquete, Panama. At the time our grandfather processed and exported what is still today considered as one of the highest quality coffees in the world. Nowadays and three generations later the tradition continues, the Lamastus family, still produces, processes, exports, and now roast its own rare estate coffees.  Panameño coffee conquers the world: A new chapter is written in the history of Panamanian coffee. The Elida Geisha Natural Torre lot from Lamastus Family Estate has reached an unprecedented price of $10,013.00 dollars per kilogram in the Best of Panama 2024 online auction, solidifying the country as the global benchmark in specialty coffee production.  This achievement not only reflects the exceptional quality of Panamanian coffee, but also the growing global interest in gourmet and single origin products. The BOP auction has become an international-sized event that attracts buyers from all over the world, who recognize the value and exquisiteness of our grains. Impressively, never before recorded in an electronic auction of specialty coffee, the second best price was $10,002.00 dollars per kilogram ($4,536.84 per pound) for the Kaizen lot from the Lorayne Estate in Boquete and presented by Marcus Durán Rosas.  This young Geisha first place winner characterized by a clean cup, sweet, floral and very consistent in its entire process, with impressive notes of orange, lots of lemongrass and citrus, was purchased at a total cost of $200,040.00 dollars, by the Japanese company Saza Coffee.


This is one of todays most sought after coffees.  Elida Estate continually wins 1st place in both Natural and Washed Geisha categories in the Best of Panama competitions, so this coffee has become extremely scarce.  It was an unheard of accomplishment when one considers the quantity and quality of the competition.  The prices those coffees achieved at auction break world records all the time.  The Geisha Natural from Elida that won in years gone by was from this very plot of land, at the highest elevation of the Elida farm where there is also a sweeping, panoramic view of the surrounding Panama Highlands beneath and all around.  We have offered coffee from Panama Elida Estate for several years, and in 2024 this continues. This exceptional lot is a Geisha Natural ASD (Anaerobic Slow Dry) from La Torre, the most coveted plot of land on the Elida Estate located at the farm's highest growing elevation.  Elida Estate has been run by the Lamastus family for four generations, starting in 1918 (pictured below) when the founder of the farm, Robert Lamastus, bought property along the Baru Volcano.  There are three farms in the Lamastus family: Elida Estate, El Burro Estate, and Luito Geisha Estate. With elevations between 5500 and 8200 feet above sea level, Elida is the highest coffee farm in Panama, although coffee is only grown between 5600 and 6200 feet.  A large part of the farm is a dedicated ecological reserve area in Volcan Baru National Park, a world heritage site.


Cup Characteristics: Aromas of plumeria and other florals, dried orange peel, and cocoa. Flavors of almond, Cointreau, and sweet chocolate.  A winey cup that is very floral and fruit forward.

Roasting Notes: Our preferred roasting range for this coffee is midway between 1st and 2nd crack. The delicate qualities will be present throughout this range, with lighter variations highlighting piquancy and citrus notes, while Full City levels will enhance body. Keep in mind that natural processed coffees tend to roast a little quicker than washed, and plan your roast accordingly.


Ultimate 3-day itinerary in Boquete, Panama: Exprience cloud forests, coffee, and more 



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