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Amigos de Animales: you can help end pet homelessness today!


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Dear Pet Lover, 


What do you think is the best way to end the issue of homeless pets? 


If you said spaying or neutering your pets, you got it right! Every year, thousands of unwanted puppies and kittens are destined for lives of needless hardship and misery. Your support makes it possible for Amigos de Animales to reduce those numbers, ending pain and suffering.


Please watch this short video I've made for you:

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Amigos de Animales performs over 3,000 spay/neuter procedures each year, dramatically reducing the number of unwanted pets at a price of only $20 per dog and $10 per cat. We also buy approximately $1,300 worth of dog and cat food each month to distribute to feeding stations and to folks who cannot afford to feed their pets,


No pet owner should have to choose between economic hardship and keeping a beloved furry family member healthy.


Our Pleasures of Panamá fundraiser is our biggest fundraising event of the year, with 3 incredible prizes.  Tickets are $100 and limited to just 200 tickets.  Please help support Amigos de Animales so we can continue our very important work.


We're able to do all of this thanks to our loyal donors like you!


If you share our belief that no pet should be born unwanted and destined for a life of suffering, please click the button below to support Amigos de Animales.


With tail waggin’ gratitude,

Ruby McKenzie

Founder & Chairman, Amigos de Animales


P.S. There are only 11 days left, and we've only sold 94 tickets. Which means you have even better odds, AND that we really need your help!

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