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Somatic Movement and CranioSacral Therapy- 2 Powerful Therapies Strengthening the Central Nervous System to Empower Our Well-Being.


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Most chronic pain, joint degeneration and recurring injuries are caused by the way we move our body- the way we sit, stand and move throughout our lives. The nervous system is responsible for telling us how to use our body.. It tells us which muscles to contract, when to release them and how to hold our body when sitting, standing and moving.
When faulty movement patterns have overrode how the body is efficiently and effectively built to move, we unconsciously repeat these incorrect and unnatural movements continually reinforcing our pain. Through injury, accident and simply forgetting we have gotten out of touch with stress free  patterns of moving and often, out of  contact with our body overall..The solution? To re-educate our body and mind and repattern our nervous system with simple, fluid, small, continual movements to relearn how to move naturally.
Do understand... repatterning the nervous system is not done as one is lying passive with a chiropractor, massage therapist or other type of  health professional working on you. To repattern the nervous system, movements need to be done by oneself. Such is the role and objective of the Somatic Movement instructor. To teach you how to move your body in ways you have gotten out of touch with and forgotten  
How does CranioSacral Therapy complement Somatic Movement?  CST also strengthens the Central Nervous System empowering the individual to embrace greater responsibility for his or her well-being. It helps the body to release emotional and physical traumas blocking a more balanced flow of wellness and restoring a deep sense of well-being.
Whereas Somatic Movement  is active, CranioSacral Therapy is passive. Both are gentle and are not done by force. Separately and together they restore a greater flow of energy creating greater Well-Being and the reduction of tension and pain.
* On April 27th the above will be the topic of the Chat in the library at 11 a.m.. A sample sitting & standing Somatic Movement class will be led by Instructor and Massage Therapist, Suzanna Clare.
"Something I've learned working with people as well as on myself, is that it's not just one thing that contributes to a person's overall health and well-being, but a combination of multiple actions, beliefs and insights coming together. Optimal health and healing takes a multi-pronged approach"
Suzanna Clare has been a student and Instructor of Somatic Movement for 20+ years. She began taking Feldenkrais Classes as she was a Yoga Instructor, integrating somatic movement principles into her classes. She also explored Continuum Movement  in an intensive workshop with its creator and 4 years ago [after having an accident requiring knee surgery] began studying and doing Clinical Somatics. A professionally trained and licensed Massage Therapist for 30 years in the state of Florida, the last touch modality Suzanna received training in and performed was CranioSacral Therapy. She is Certified by the Upledger Institute to do the 10 Step Protocol. To assist her client toward relaxing fully to best receive the CST, Ms Clare may add Therapeutic Massage.and passive joint articulations into the session.
Prior to the quarantine, Suzanna taught Pilates at the Haven for 8 years. Due to her diverse background, Movement classes may integrate a variety of exercise modalities.
New price Structure! The first session/consultation consists of both modalities. Ms Clare's fee is $40 for the first hour plus $5 for each additional 15 minutes. Depending upon the client's needs, In future sessions, one or both therapies may be experienced. If Movement Classes are done solely, they will be $25 for the first hour and $5 for each additional 15 minutes. When learning something new, daily practice and regular weekly instruction are recommended. And when a student  needs more instruction to perform the movements correctly, two classes weekly are recommended
To.Schedule an appointment or to inquire and share your unique situation, please contact Suzanna at suzeclare@gmail.com
And do know, email is Suzanna's preferred and sole method of communication. Hoping to Hear from and See You Soon!
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