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CranioSacral Therapy Catalyzes Greater Health & Well-Being Through Restoring Balance in the Central Nervous System.

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"The body is fluid  and there are numerous rhythmic patterns flowing throughout the body. These include the circulatory, respiratory, lymphatic, and the craniosacral fluid of the central nervous system. Where there is motion and fluidity there is health, and where movement is restricted, pathology and illness develop. In CranioSacral Therapy the practitioner's hands are gently placed on specific locations of the feet and thighs, pelvis, shoulders, spine and skull, serving to relax the nervous system and creating the opportunity for the restoration and reorganization of the fluid within the body.
CST does not attempt to fix anyone by manipulation or force. Its objective is to relax the body and mind to naturally come into balance and a deeper sense of wholeness. What I found with my clients is that their relaxation progresses as they receive the therapy on a regular basis. Like layers of an onion each person's life unfolds revealing imbalances & what needs to be acknowledged 
& sddressed to move forward toward greater health and awakening. 
CranioSacral Therapy is not for everyone. A Massage Therapist for 30 years, I encountered many who coaxed me to apply more and more pressure to force the structure of their body ro change.. But for those who respond to the sensitivity  and gentility of this modality, it can be very powerful, not only for the receiver, but for the giver as well. Being open and expanding beyond mental expectations or having an agenda, allows the body and mind to reveal themselves unique to each person's life experiences. Together as recipient and practitioner, we open into the power of being deeply relaxed and present. In  this state, the receiver has the opportunity to release past traumas held in the cells and restrictive patterns of fluidity, restoring energetic flow and ease. Gaining strength in one's deeper self, the total organism is inspired to assume and assert greater care for his or her well-being.
CranioSacral Therapy is not at all your usual massage or medical experience. The recipient is comfortably dressed, oils are not used and a gentle, nickel's worth of pressure is applied. CST is for those who aspire to take greater responsibility for their well-being, and to receive a boost to do so from a deep level within. 
Sessions are either 60 -75 minutes for $35, or an hour and a half for $40..The first session can often be 90 minutes, as sharing one's experiences and injuries or surgeries precede the hands-on experience. Also, contributing to a longer session. Somatic movement patterns may be shown to soothe pain, restore good posture and gain awareness as to how the total body interacts. Too, either during or after the session, notable physical or emotional insights may be discussed.
About the therapist- Suzanna Clare was a licensed Massage Therapist in the state of Florida for 30 years before moving to Central America and Boquete. She did several training sessions with the Upledger Institute Certifying her to do the CranioSacral Therapy 10 Step Protocol;.Her last training was in San Jose, Costa Rica  Suzanna is also a Certified Integrative Yoga Therapist, Pilates Instructor, and a former Personal Trainer, with a Master's Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling.  Prior to the quarantine, Suzanna taught group and private Pilates Classes at the Haven for 8 years. Ms. Clare is a resident of Panama and has a Panama Work Permit.
*To schedule an appointment and/or ask questions, do email Suzanna Clare at suzeclare@gmail.com
And please know...Email is my sole method of communication. 
Looking forward to meeting and working with You soon!
And...As the Nike's ad says, "Isn't it time to Just Do IT?
**Suzanna Clare will be presenting a Community Chat at the Library on October 13th. The title of her presentation will be CranioSacral Therapy, Meditation & Movement- Synergistic Modalities Empowering Greater Health and Well-Being." Seating is limited.

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