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“Tierra De Dios”- A Beautiful Mountain View Property and Boquete Coffee Farm for Sale

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This beautiful property (Tierra De Dios) in Jaramillo Centro, Boquete is about 10 minutes from downtown Boquete. It is in a prime location on a well-maintained road.

It has great scenic views of Volcan Baru, a mountain stream, “agua viva” (live spring), and a “city water” aqueduct all service this property. The water from the stream and the spring are used to process the coffee grown on the property.

The property is well maintained and manicured with a productive harvest of coffee, avocados and platanos.

Currently, Tierra de Dios, in its approximately 11 acres of fertile land has over 200 plantain trees, 17,000 coffee plants including Geisha, Catuay, Caturra and Pacamara and 275 avocado trees including the varieties of Mantequila, Haas, Criolla and the most desirable Semil avocados.

Last year (2020) the finca produced...





To go directly to more information, a more complete description and up-to-date pricing on this property, please visit our web site for this property at the link above.

Also find hundreds of other Boquete area properties offered by Casa Solution, the Boquete Area Real Estate Leaders.


We look forward to being of service.


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